Need advice on going to the er

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 30, 2012
Hi, I am new to the forum and would greatly appreciate opinions/advice. I was diagnosed with cd in 96, and had a resection. I am currently not on any meds, but have taken/tried everything under the sun in between that time. I have been through periods remission and flares. For the past two weeks I have been in agony with with a flare. I do not have any vomiting/blood, but have been in such extreme pain that I am literally doubled over, and feel as if the wind has been knocked out of me. I have had a fever twice, lost weight, and am not digesting food. I have not experienced this much pain since before my surgery. I keep going back and fourth on whether or not to go to the er. I currently do not have insurance, but am in the process of doing so. I am a stay at home mom to a 21 month old, and I worry about the inconveinences that come along with going to the er/possibly being admitted. I realize this sounds ridiculous, and my health needs,to be a priority. I am also worried that if I do go, would I even be treated if I did need to be admitted due to my insurance situation. I am certain there is something not right going on with my cd, I am also extremly weak with no energy. Thank you so much.
You know your body better than anyone else. I would suggest you at least contact a doc and run the symptoms past them and see what they say? While it may be an inconvenience for you to go to er, it would be more of an inconvenience for your 21 mo old to have their mom sicker...please call your doc and feel better
Plus - a hospital cannot turn you away if you have no is better you go NOW vs being taken by ambulance!!!
I am so sorry you are in this quandry and in so much pain. You must get treated sooner rather than later. Please, go to the ER.

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