Hi, I am new to the forum and would greatly appreciate opinions/advice. I was diagnosed with cd in 96, and had a resection. I am currently not on any meds, but have taken/tried everything under the sun in between that time. I have been through periods remission and flares. For the past two weeks I have been in agony with with a flare. I do not have any vomiting/blood, but have been in such extreme pain that I am literally doubled over, and feel as if the wind has been knocked out of me. I have had a fever twice, lost weight, and am not digesting food. I have not experienced this much pain since before my surgery. I keep going back and fourth on whether or not to go to the er. I currently do not have insurance, but am in the process of doing so. I am a stay at home mom to a 21 month old, and I worry about the inconveinences that come along with going to the er/possibly being admitted. I realize this sounds ridiculous, and my health needs,to be a priority. I am also worried that if I do go, would I even be treated if I did need to be admitted due to my insurance situation. I am certain there is something not right going on with my cd, I am also extremly weak with no energy. Thank you so much.