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Dec 17, 2011
I got fired once I found out I had Crohns and was fired because of my crohns. I've been to the doctor, ER, Statcares, clinics, and more over 23 times this year! I had to quit college also! I'm about to go homeless because food stamps don't pay the bills or rent. Unemployment denied me because of my inability to work. I also have never had health insurance. I don't qualify for cash assistance because I'm childless and not pregnant! Charities are also unwilling to help! I'm supposed to get dissability but they said it could take months and years and I have one more month left only! What should I do?

I am unable to work at all!
I have no family to help at all!
No friends are willing to help at all!
I have nothing worth value to sell!

What do I do so that I don't go homeless? I'm a 23 year old woman who is educated but too sick to work!
Greetings and welcome. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, you poor thing.

The first thing to do is read the FMLA and make sure your company did not violate it. If they fit its criteria and did violate it, speak with an attorney.

Why aren't friends willing to help?

What sort of disability have you applied for?

I wish you well and pray things work out for you.

Hi and welcome. I am so sorry you are going through this. I agree with David, get yourself a lawyer if your former employer violated your rights. Also, I am a bit shocked you were denied unemployment. If you were fired, you should receive unemployment, right? Please excuse my ignorance on the subject...

I really hope things turn around for you soon!
I don't know if the info here is still current, but go to this link and listen to the podcast or read the whole transcript:

It's about: Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness, Inc., a tax-exempt organization that provides free information, advice and advocacy services to patients with chronic illnesses. It goes through all the disability, social security or medicare options as well as generalities concerning maintaining insurance. Really an enlightening and valuable read for all crohn's patients.

Their website is:

Hope this helps.
have you tried going to Catholic Charities? They aren't suppose to turn anybody away. Have you tried going to your church to ask for help? How many charities have you approached and which ones? Have you called the United Way? They should be able to assist you.

Try going to a local Catholic hospital in your area. They usually have programs set up for those who have no insurance and limited income. Ask to speak with someone in charge there. I use to work for a Catholic hospital and they had several programs set up for folks in need. Keep looking and keep calling around. There are many programs out there. You have to keep at it. Don't give up.

Also, talk to someone in Legal Aid for information on suing your employer for discrimination. People with IBD are protected by the 1990 Disability Act. An employer CAN NOT fire us due to our illness. We have rights. They have to make reasonable accommodations for us so we can do our jobs. It's the law.

Go to the local library to get a phone book to get more information on the nearest Legal Aid in your area. hope this helps. better yet, contact the local CCFA chapter in your area and ask to speak with the president or see if they have any meetings so you can talk to others who may be in the same situation. That way you can get names of a good attorney, volunteer organizations that can assist you with $$$, shelter, finding a job, etc. I've made a lot of great contact w/the local chapter I belong to. Heck, one of our members in the past was an attorney and he helped me when my ex boss was harassing me due to my illness. I managed to bid on another job within the company and got out of that stressful office setting.
Go to the local Depart of Health and Human Services and speak to a social worker immediately. You could also go to your hospital where you've received treatment and they should have some patient advocacy groups there.
More Info

I'm already on food stamps but they don't pay bills.

Unemployment denied me because I could not accept jobs because of my inability to work. They deny you if you can't work.

Dissability denied me twice but said I'm supposed to get it within a few months or years which is too long to wait.

My boss fired me AFTER I was diagnosed with Crohn's. When I started my job I did not have crohn's that I know of. It just happened all of a sudden the 2nd month I worked and I've been sick for 9 months this year.

The hospital is already paying 100% of my bills through HCAP, but the other hospital's doctor's are suing me for over $2,000! Yes the doctors!

There was no FMLA at my last job, I worked with 8 people in an office no more. Plus I did not have crohn's when I started but was diagnosed later...

I'm waiting for HEAP to take care of electric and gas whenever they give me a shut off notice.
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