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Nov 15, 2015
Hi there.

I don't think you all need to read my story, we all have IBD. We all know the lifestyle.

I just wanted to know if anyone else experiences the mental trauma that IBD can bring. I've had mine since I was a little girl, right at the developmental age. Over the past decade plus, it's been hitting me harder all the depression that I've developed.

Over the years I went through two mental break downs, one in highschool when I had to be hospitalized for the first time for my IBD. Another when I was finishing College. Now I have a full blown career and lately my thoughts have been chipping away at me.
I used to have horrible self esteem. I had always hated how I looked sick and healthy. I've gotten over those issues as an adult, my mind wanders into other territories. Mind you, I'm a young adult.
A year ago, I had a colon cancer scare and I was ready to die, I wasn't going to cause my family and friends any pain. Turned out to be nothing but scar tissue and a flare up of the disease.

My Crohn's isn't even that bad. I've never had surgery or had to have a stoma. I've been on several medications, and my disease is actually under control now and has been for almost a year.
Now it's just these thoughts and feelings that I carry around.
I know that I'll never be normal, that's not the part that bothers me.

A lot of the times, I feel trapped because of everything. I feel sorry for myself, and feeling sorry for myself just makes me angry at myself. So many other people have so many other issues way worse than mine.

I also have moments where I refuse to admit I'm depressed, I don't need to add some silly happy pills to my medicine list.
All I need is some help from people who I hope can understand.

Is it possible for IBD to traumatize a child?

I'm just so tired of all the people my age -- so fake, complaining about getting their nails done, calling me out when I don't want to go clubbing with them. But at the same time, everyone assumes because I'm young and seem healthy that I act like a "typical" shallow young adult.

I feel lost and trapped, like nothing matters in my life and everything seems so superficial.

I need advice or help.

Hi Soup and welcome.

YES, YES, YES! It's like I wrote your post myself.

Anxiety, depression, other mental health issues are extremely common with IBD. My clinic has a psychiatrist working in the clinic.

Great news is there is help. Talk to your doctor. I'm in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and it's working.

I waited until last spring to get help. Please don't wait as long as I did.

Sending you my support.
Hi and welcome. Yes I would say the same or If you can afford a holistic psychologist in the private go for it! maybe your insurance can pay a big part. Holistic psychs offen specialize with patients with chronic illnesses. If you cant pay, community centers usually all have social workers who can fallow individuals for free and give good support.
Welcome to the community. Others here understand the mental trauma you are experiencing all too well. Connect with others in this community for support, you'd be amazed how much it can help.

I wish you well.