Hey! It sucks you're having surgery

but I hope it goes well for you.
I can't comment on the type of surgery you're having, but I had my first minor op this year - I'd never had a general anaesthetic or an operation before and I was really nervous, I just didn't trust the aneasthetic and thought I'd wake up half way through!
Before the op was really weird because it was so alien to me and those hospital gowns and weird pants are so horrible lol, but I was being brave cos my mum was there, then when they wheeled me into the anaesthetic room i started to get upset and started crying but the nurses were so lovey and she said, 'aw, what's the matter? are you scared?' and i sniffled yes and she said 'what are you scared of?' and i just cried and shrugged haha and she made all these jokes and said 'do you like a drink? what's your favourite drink? ok this little bit of medicine is going to be vodka it's going to make you all relaxed and happy' and as soon as they put the stuff in i started laughing cos it makes you feel drunk, then they stuck the general anaesthetic in and the last thing i remember is my face feeling tingly. I woke up in the recovery room feeling reeaaalllly sleepy and they gave me a pain killer as soon as i woke up and i spent a blissfull few hours pain free completely doped up talking rubbish. I'm not one for recreational drugs but that feeling after you wake up from a general is so nice lol I've never felt so relaxed in my whole life.
I'm really sorry you have to have surgery, but the actual surgery part of it will be a doddle (cos you'll be sleeping) and if they give you enough pain relief the afterwards part shouldn't be too bad either.
Just make sure everyone makes a fuss of you and buys you loads of presents
Hannah x