NEVER again will I eat...

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Captain Obvious
Mar 20, 2009
Ugh... so I'm feeling better taking Creon, this digestive enzyme for whatever the hell is wrong with me (doc thinks pancreas or Crohn's)... not absorbing fat. I take it right before and right after I eat. Cool.

BUT - I just spent the last 15 minutes in the bathroom, with stomach spasms, almost in tears from what I ate last night while we were out w/friends.

SO..... NEVER again will I eat:

Pepper jack cheese on ANYTHING!!! :ymad:

What about you? What will you never eat again because it makes you feel so horrible?
I'm with Fen on the corn thing. Used to love corn on the cob, creamed corn, popcorn, tortilla chips and a jar of salsa (I kid you not, a jar), Doritos, Fritos, etc, but they bother me now. I've found that I can eat things made with fine masa, corn flour, but not corn meal. Bugles are made with corn flour and I eat those. However, corn bread doesn't bother me, if it's the kind that does not have whole corn kernels in it.

I used to sit and read a book after working out and eat an entire bag of popcorn with a big glass of milk. Those were the days...... Popcorn is one of the things I miss most. I still sneak a few kernels from a bag if my wife makes it, but that's about as far as I can go. I was ecstatic a while ago when my wife and I went to a movie and I just kinda said screw it and ate like a quarter of the bag of popcorn myself and I didn't pay for it a couple hours later. Got lucky I guess.

Most other things I can tolerate, but it takes me twice as long to eat because I chew them well, like nuts, onion rings, etc. I don't know what I'd do if I had to quit onion rings. I already have to ask if I can sub things at restaurants because fries are so durn popular. :\
Popcorn. Not one kernal ever.
Probably not apple cider either, though I have a feeling I might be stupid enough to test it one day.
I don't think I would try pepper jack cheese again, but a few banana peppers on pizza seem to sit okay.
Nuts - too risky getting stuck and because they don't get broken down they are too sore on my butt - im not into scratchy poo hee hee :) Sorry - the scratchy poo is my friends saying and always makes me chuckle!
Popcorn, chocolate and anything too greasy. I had a handful of candy coated chocolate yesterday and boy did I pay for it.
I am pretty lucky right now i can eat pretty much anything, BUT.... Grape juice or Cranberry juice is MURDER!!! lol
Santos61198 said:
Ok. My wife was leaving the house and said to me, "Watch those cookies in the oven and don't let them burn." It was around Christmas time.
So I got them out and they smelled really good!! They were huge, only 7 on the entire cookie sheet. And they all had little holes in them and they were all Christmas shapes.
So I get me a big ole glass of milk and bit the head off the snowman. It was good at first, but then it kinda got funky. I finished it to leave no evidence behind and though maybe it was just a fluke. So I bit the top off the Christmas tree. Horrible.

She called to remind me to take them out of the oven and I told her (being the honest open person) that her cookies sucked and tasted like crap. When she stopped laughing and crying she told me to go over to the counter and read the ingredients.


They WERE supposed to be Ornaments for the tree!!!!!!!!!
Well she said "COOKIES" but they weren't and I didn't poop for a week!! Much better than pepto or imodium! (And you get a slight buzz) LOL
I can't eat Onions, or Malt. I won't drink Milk.

Those that have now found that Corn products that they used to be able to eat, are now not tolerated, may want to consider that Corn is not always the same as it used to be.

Most processed foods now contain genetically altered Corn. Monsanto's Round up ready type Corn. You can read up on this on your own, but it has not been tested on humans. They are testing it on us right now in the U.S. Many other countries do not allow it in their food products and for good reason.

The few animal studies found reduced birth rates, increased mortality and intestinal problems related to these man made strains.

There are several reports of animals not eating these Corn products, when introduced to their diet. Deer passing a Monsanto Corn field and ravaging a normal one. Chickens that will not eat food made from the Corn.

The animals appear to be able to discern that it is not food they should eat.

Genetically altered Soy is also in most processed foods.

Thanks for the post, Dan. I can just feel my blood pressure rise when I read about stuff like this. I mean, it's one thing to knowingly eat crap, but from everything I have been reading lately, eating crap just can't be avoided! I have my own garden and I still can't be sure what has gone into my own vegetables! I can get on my soap box and rant all day about this topic, but it will just make me madder!:ymad:

In sticking with the subject of the thread...I will never eat ANYTHING again!!!
heh i pulled a prank on my friends lasy yr like that. every year i make like 9 dozen cookies of all kinds to make up lil goody bags and give to all my friends, so when i was looking thru the cookies to find wat ones i wanted to make i saw the ornamite cookies and it had a lil thing at the bottems saying dun worry if your kids eat them theyre non toxic sooooo i made them and put one in everyones bag and when they ate em the were like "did u make marijuana cookies it made me feel funny" haha i was laughing so hard!!!

but to get back on topic, i will never eat my all time fav candy again....twizzlers....oh they even have a commercial out for them saying you cant resist the twist i was like noooo i caaannnttt ressist youuuuu but i must!! lol my mom cracked up ^.^
farm said:
Well she said "COOKIES" but they weren't and I didn't poop for a week!! Much better than pepto or imodium! (And you get a slight buzz) LOL
Can I get that recipe?? Better than Imodium and a buzz to boot!

What's the buzz from??? Are you sure it was Elmers and not Gorilla glue?
imisspopcorn said:
Can I get that recipe?? Better than Imodium and a buzz to boot!

What's the buzz from??? Are you sure it was Elmers and not Gorilla glue?
It may have been appoxy for all I know!!
Shadycat said:
Thanks for the post, Dan. I can just feel my blood pressure rise when I read about stuff like this. I mean, it's one thing to knowingly eat crap, but from everything I have been reading lately, eating crap just can't be avoided! I have my own garden and I still can't be sure what has gone into my own vegetables! I can get on my soap box and rant all day about this topic, but it will just make me madder!:ymad:

In sticking with the subject of the thread...I will never eat ANYTHING again!!!
Actually I laughed pretty hard at the first article and quit reading. BT is an organic control. it is a naturally occurring bacteria that affects the gut of caterpillars. And nobody puts roundup in corn to control weeds. They make the corn more resistant to the effects of roundup . . . . anyway

If you can chew it I can't eat it :yrolleyes:
kenny said:
Actually I laughed pretty hard at the first article and quit reading. BT is an organic control. it is a naturally occurring bacteria that affects the gut of caterpillars. And nobody puts roundup in corn to control weeds. They make the corn more resistant to the effects of roundup . . . . anyway

If you can chew it I can't eat it :yrolleyes:

Naturally occuring or not, it is still bacteria. Seeing as I suffer from a digestive disorder likely to be caused by an unkown bacteria, I don't want to eat it! Anything that has been genetically modified has usually been done so in the interest of big business and not with our health in mind. Eat what you want...I will stick with Mother Nature.
:panda: :panda: :panda: Panda Express (Chinese). Might as well just save myself the chewing and dump it staight into the commode!
Shadycat said:
Naturally occuring or not, it is still bacteria. Seeing as I suffer from a digestive disorder likely to be caused by an unkown bacteria, I don't want to eat it! Anything that has been genetically modified has usually been done so in the interest of big business and not with our health in mind. Eat what you want...I will stick with Mother Nature.

Well, setting aside the debate of BT1, just remember that the ever-promising concept of probiotics and digestive benefits/health is all based on "good bacteria". Not all is bad, some is beneficial. Kind of like violence, sometimes it's horrific, but sometimes you need to fight violence with violence to save your life...same concept, the good bacteria can help offset the bad ones in the gut. :)
Monster energy drinks yea its a drink not a food, but i had one the other morning and omg i payed for it by the end of the day i thought my tummy would rip open lol!!
Orange juice, especially in the morning.

(Re: corn, I can actually eat frozen corn, so can my dad. I'm not sure what the difference is but it doesn't hurt as much as canned/fresh/popcorn!)
Damn it... told myself I was NOT going to eat those stupid crispy crowns again because it gives me burning D... but guess who ate them tonight?!
Santos61198 said:
Damn it... told myself I was NOT going to eat those stupid crispy crowns again because it gives me burning D... but guess who ate them tonight?!


...that was a dumb move.
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Never again...

...just CAN´T eat anything with high fiber content. Wholewheat bread or pasta are killers. It seems like someone is twisting my inside. Used to love granola, but just can´t have it anymore! It all means spending the rest of the day in the bathroom, in pain. And I tried to eat this stuff ´cause they´re supposed to be healthy! Not for me...

Also can´t have anything with pepper or any kind of hot spice.

Oh, and this I mean when I´m NOT having a crisis... For when I´m bad, I eat basically rice, cooked carrots and bananas. And lose A LOT of wheight.
Hi I live in Iceland we have this thick milk product (dont know the corect name for it) that stops me dead in my tacks in like 15 min or so.

Thats it for the products I know I cant eat for sure.
BUMP! Had to bump this thread - it has one of my favorite stories in it from Farm. Read back to post #20. Merry Christmas ya'll!
I was thinking of Farm's cookie story when the kids and I were decorating the sugar cookies this year...
Can I just say to everyone who's written on this thread a big thank you...i've not been to good over the festive seasion and this thread has just had me in stitches, i'm still smilling now...THANK YOU xxxxxHee Hee!
MINI Cooper said:


They don't keep doctors away, they take me STRAIGHt to them! :ylol2:

Me too Mini - it's like a natural laxative, or an internal jet propulsion system used to expel everything in all 35 feet of my GI tract - all at once! Violent... I am just amazed at the amount of people on here who have applesauce as one of their comfort foods (sniff, sniff - and a little jealous!).
Yep, applesauce with no sugar added is a binding agent like bananas, we grow our own apples and make applesauce, it is so good and never have a problem with apples as long as they are cooked.
Anything deep fried.

French Fries. Fried Chicken. Fish 'n' Chips. Egg Rolls. Certain Chinese dishes.

There's many awesome, healthy authentic Chinese dishes. Just avoid the stuff catering to us Gwai Los.

Get yourself a Chinese friend, or a good cookbook. Asian-style cooking is one of the healthier cuisines out there.
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I can never be ceartain of what I can eat and get away with. There are time's where Im sick even if I eat right, or nothing. But spicy hurts for days. Im tempted by everything and Im underwight, and starving.

I had enought trouble before with my weight. If I didnt have a little muscle, Id be all bones.
I tolerate spicy just fine. Grease and fat I have problems with (no gall bladder).

In fact, hot peppers and ginger really aid in my digestion. They are also excellent anti- inflammatories.

Funny how we are affected by different things.
A few years ago cofee and dark soda's turned against me, before thecrohns symtoms showed. I just thought I has a bad stomach, but my stomach scope was fine, all the while things were trashing my stoamach.

Many things, even pain kilers like vicoden get to me after a dose or two. But spicy and or procesed gets me realy bad. Its all crazy, some of it makes no sense. If I eat a banana, I can regret it. In the past few months, milk, and chocolate have turned on me.

More and more foods go against me with time, with the damage of the guts.
To imisspopcorn,

Sorry, about that. Im a bad influnce. I love them to, then I eat too much grease food. Then I hate them. Until I havent flaired too bad for a few days, and I feel a litte better. Then Im fooled and think Im getting better, and my dark side takes over, and the devil on my shoulder tells me I can try a little.

Then a little becomes alot.

Its my greatest weakness. I keep doing it, but as the flares get worse w/ time, so I need stop.
Corn. *sigh* Not fair
Coffee. :( I LOVE my coffee... my intestines don't.
Chinese food. :( The Revenge of the Chinese is too much to bear.
Cole slaw.

(Holy Hades... I'm starting to think C foods and I just don't agree)

Basically, anything with beans.
Anything with nuts.
The skins of any potato... be it in baked potatos, potato skins, etc.
Jalapeno poppers.

Yeah, I'm forgetting a lot of stuff. But I'm a vegetarian, and some days it seems I can't eat ANYTHING. It goes right through and somehow seems to come out whole.
crazycanuck said:
Chinese food and Mcdonalds. Although I had both just before colonscopy prep because I was getting rid ofit anyways! haha
Hmmmm, never thought of doing THAT before....hee hee!!
A big fat steak...Oh the agony. As a teen I always associated steak/roasts with pain. Never knew why until diagnosis. Oh but it hurts so good. Sometimes, I can tolerate it, I savour those moments lol :)
haha oh it was great. I haven't ever really eaten fast food too much but the number 1 thing I miss the most is Mcdonald's fries...mmmmmm! So for the first time in two years I had them 4 days ago now. Haha god they were delicious I still don't know if it was the fries or the lax that was making me stay on the toliet haha.
I just tried fried chicken. That was not a great idea. It was so freaking good though. Made by the Amish. Huge breasts!
crazycanuck said:
haha oh it was great. I haven't ever really eaten fast food too much but the number 1 thing I miss the most is Mcdonald's fries...mmmmmm! So for the first time in two years I had them 4 days ago now. Haha god they were delicious I still don't know if it was the fries or the lax that was making me stay on the toliet haha.

I haven't had McD's fries in months, but watching my diet... did you know that french fries are the only non dairy food that has lactose in it. The frying is what changes it to be lactose.
WHAT??? I've never heard that about the lactose...hmmm -have to look that up.

It has to do with their preservatives of the fries. This is right off their website:

French Fries:
Potatoes, vegetable oil (canola oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, natural beef flavor [wheat and milk derivatives]*, citric acid [preservative]), dextrose, sodium acid
pyrophosphate (maintain color), salt. Prepared in vegetable oil (Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to
preserve freshness). Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent.
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Ha, there is a lot of reading material when you are on the commode and a drawer full of Crohnie stuff.:ycool:
Among other stuff like alcohol and whole food, now I add cheese...
Ate a lot of it this weekend, and had a terrible night of D and puking on sunday. Not funny having cheese pieces coming through your nose. =(
Peanuts -> They kill me, but interestingly enough I am fine with cashews, pistachios and peanut butter.

Guess I am weird like that :biggrin:
Red Meat is bad..... I thought I would try it again. Bad idea. Why does it always suck to eat something you love. I mean I'm a meatatarin.
Im still new to it so have not found them all yet, been trying to eat things that wont bother my crohns, but I have found two so far...

sesame seeds....bad...

Almond Roca which I loved as a kid....but now they are absolutely a no...I woke up hungry and with out even thinking ate about 10....all next day I had the pain I had not felt since my surgery....found out what from that night when I went to the br......:( never again will i eat almond roca sadly....
never ever

never ever will i eat chili mac!!!

it is....was my all time favorite food, think mac and cheese w/chili mixed in. it is so delicious, the ultimate comfort food and it almost killed me last week.

never, ever again :depressed:
After last night looks like I need to add Baked Beans ... OUCH! Of course the pepperoni and Jalapeno pizza I just ate prolly wont help the situation. :whistleinnocently:
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Trigger foods?

Did anyone with Crohn's not notice a pattern in foods that triggered symptoms either before or at the beginning of their diagnosis, but now has developed more trigger foods since being diagnosed?

The doctors are pretty sure I have Crohn's, but I have not had any noticeable problems with diarrhea, abdominal cramping, etc. after eating certain foods. I only experienced cramping and stomach pain when I developed an abscess.

So, is that something that I will develop over time? I've read sometimes abscesses appear before the "onset" of Crohn's. So, maybe I will develop more trigger foods as time goes on?
I was a human garbage disposal before I got all messed up.

Now I will never again eat my delicious homemade hamburgers. I even tried them with extra lean ground Turkey instead of beef and no go :(