New diagnosis at 50

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Nov 12, 2015
So, I was just diagnosed 3 weeks ago with Crohns at 50 years old. I took myself to the ER after battling diarrhea and loss of appetite for 6 weeks. On the day I went in I began having severe muscle aches, joint swelling, and a rash on my flanks, legs, arms, and plans.
I was hospitalized with elevated liver enzymes, dehydration, and anemia initially. After a double contrast ct scan, colonoscopy, MCRP (special MRI to check bile ducts and gall bladder), a week of IV fluids, steroids, antibiotics I was released home with my diagnosis.
I am currently on the journey of finding out what foods work, tapering off the steroids, and toying with probiotics and nutrients.
I feel lucky, if you call it that, to be diagnosed so late in life. I'm a foodie and never had issues before. I have never had vomitting or nausea with my symptoms. I did cause myself my first ever flare 3 nights ago though and it was horrible.
I've found that proteins work well. Eggs, cheese, chicken, fish, mashed potatoes. Well cooked vegetables , and softer fruits. Ice cream is very tolerable also. I've been taking a daily probiotics and went to liquid vitamins.
Since I'm still in the beginning of this, I hate wondering what's to come once the steroids are done. I'm also taking mesalamine. And dang these steroids exhaust me.
Welcome to the group. As far as steroids go, prednisone made me puffy. I think Entocort was easier on my system.

Welcome Greg, sorry you made it to this select group!
It is a journey, finding out what food you can tolerate and not tolerate. After toying with it for 20+ years, I have settled into the Paleo diet, but everyone is different. I found that processed foods really bothered me... But I have to peel everything and overcook veggies. I can tolerate small amounts of roasted nuts, but nut butters are safer. Proteins seem to be a breeze, especially fish.
Do you know if you have more problems with diarrhea, stricturing or fistulas?
Welcome Greg, sorry you made it to this select group!
It is a journey, finding out what food you can tolerate and not tolerate. After toying with it for 20+ years, I have settled into the Paleo diet, but everyone is different. I found that processed foods really bothered me... But I have to peel everything and overcook veggies. I can tolerate small amounts of roasted nuts, but nut butters are safer. Proteins seem to be a breeze, especially fish.
Do you know if you have more problems with diarrhea, stricturing or fistulas?
The diarrhea seems to be easing up, actually close to normal this morning. I was scoped while in the hospital and the GI doc found one polyup (benign) but my intestines were very inflamed all the way up. No fistulas or blockages. He told me he didn't get the entire view he wanted for fear of perforating my intestinal wall.
After reading stories on here I feel very lucky to have received aggressive testing and intervention quickly.
Proteins are working quite well so far as is ice cream and pastas.
Sorry for the diagnosis,but welcome to the forum.Diet is a pretty hot topic for chronies.I hope you find something that works for you.Have you checked out the various support groups concerning diet?Many doctors do not acknowledge diet as a tool to fight this disease,which just stuns me.Did your GI recommend a diet to follow?

Very good to hear you do not have fistulas or blockages.Yeah,we need to be assertive.Your GI and you can form a plan to best fight this disease.This is my opinion,but I feel diet is a powerful tool we can use.Good luck.
Also presented at 50 (10 years ago now!!)
Currently well and stable. Protein, pasta, ice cream sound perfect to me..(tho I have to be very cautious about carbs, since weight loss hasn't been a part of my disease experience!)
Personally I can eat almost everything, except that a large bowl of leafy salad greens would almost certainly cause problems, and whole citrus fruit tends to have a rapid transit.

Well I guess Welcome is not what you want to hear!

But, you find a lot of info and support here!

Everyone is so different in what they can eat and what works for them. Same with meds, finding the "cocktail" that works best for you is trial and error!!

I found tapering down on my steroids, a lower does with a long tapper was the only way to go. The high does fast tapper, I would flare up with-in a few weeks.

Good luck I hope your meds work quickly

Sorry for the diagnosis,but welcome to the forum.Diet is a pretty hot topic for chronies.I hope you find something that works for you.Have you checked out the various support groups concerning diet?Many doctors do not acknowledge diet as a tool to fight this disease,which just stuns me.Did your GI recommend a diet to follow?

Very good to hear you do not have fistulas or blockages.Yeah,we need to be assertive.Your GI and you can form a plan to best fight this disease.This is my opinion,but I feel diet is a powerful tool we can use.Good luck.
I too was diagnosed shortly before my 50th birthday but have had symptoms, obstructions and numerous resection surgeries prior to finally getting diagnosed!!! Have also started on Humira and it certainly has changed my life! I can eat just about anything and have much more energy! I've been on it for a year now and have had much success with it! I hope it does the same for you!!!
Good luck!!!