New hair growth is really dry help!

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Jul 10, 2012
Hi, I lost loads of hair after my first op now it's slowed down and slowly growing bk. but the new hair growth doesn't feel healthy and is dry Does this get better and did anyone else suffer this? Got any ideas how to make it better? Wish it would grow quicker sick of having loads of really short bits lol! Thanks Rachel Xxx
Rachel, I have hair down to my backside almost, and a lot of regrowth after taking biotin supplements. The cheapest and easiest conditioner is warm olive oil with a plastic bag over your hair for 30 minutes. Instead of jumping in the shower to wash it out, run shampoo thru it dry first, then jump in the shower and shampoo and condition as normal.
Thanks should that stop it from Being dry? Do you think it could be the steroids? I used to have my hair that length as well trying to grow it but it's taking ages especially now. Sick of waiting lol thanks a lot very helpful:) xx
hi yeah I use some brilliant stuff,Argan Oil from Boots,it is £12.00but you only use a tiny bit every few days,I wash and condition my Hair and then put 4 drops of this stuff into my hair,it is magic,I have beautiful really healthy hair have Crohns disease,also it grows so quickly,you will not be disappointed,it is a form of Morroccan Oil but I think it's much better.

Good Luck xx
Biotin 5,000 mcg will make the hair come back! And grow faster!

I use good stuff on my hair. Aveda mostly. NO blow drying or straightening. I would try that oil mentioned but if it's too dear there isn't anything wrong with good olive oil!

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