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Dec 28, 2011
Hi ive been reading the forums for awhile now decided to join this is what happened to me i am 25 years old i was diagnosed in oct 2011 after thanksgiving (Canada) i woke up with pain in the middle of my belly it came in waves very painful i also felt very weak and had a high fever 39.9 had watery D 4 or 5 times then after that i couldnt go any more and couldnt pass gas it felt like i had something stuck still had the urge to go i tried to wait it out then i searched my symptoms on the internet and thought i had salmonella

went to the hospital they did some bloodtests they told me that my body was fighting something should be fine in a couple of days told me to come back if it didnt get any better so i went home still felt the pain i couldnt sleep so i went back this time they took almost 14 hrs to see me so i said screw it ill just go home and wait it out i stayed home that day tried to eat every time i ate i threw it up i got really worried bcuz at this point i havent ate anything in 4 days and i still had a fever so i went to a diffrent hospital mount sini in toronto there they did more bloodtests , xrays then a ct scan the docter told me that the ct scan showed some inflammation in the small intestine and that a GI specialist would see me

so i waited he shows up and tells me he thinks it may be chorns and asks about my family history no one in my family has this so he gave me a choice i can be admitted to get tested and treated or i can go home and make an appointment to see the gi and do the tests that way i told him to admit me... i had to prep for a Colonoscopy so the nurse gave me two enemas after i got the enemas the pain got relieved then they did the colonosopy they confirmed i had chorns treated me with iv steroids and antibiotics for 6 days then prescribed me 9mg Budesonide calcium and Vitamin D.... was this a blockage? bcuz i read the post ''what a blockage feels like'' and the symptoms are like the ones i had when i asked the GI's assistant she she said she didnt think so anyways thats my story thanks for reading
:welcome:n to the forum, yet another Canadian to boot!. I know your story all too well and yes you had a partial blockage, because if it was a full blockage your pain level would of been a 10 and barely even walk. You got diagnosed really fast and you are being looked after well. Mount Sinai has some of the top Gi's there and one or two are assc with the Crohns and colitis foundation. Good thing you were caught in time. For a while you should avoid hard and chewy foods, chew your food and smaller portions throughout the day. To gain your nutrition back, Ensure will help as well. Digestive enzymes are great for breaking down protein and fats, and lactose. Hope this helps. Glad you are here, we have a great community here!
Welcome to the forum!! I myself just joined yesterday, but have been battling CD for over 7yrs. I know that abdominal pain all too well. As we speak, my abdomen is still sore & recooperating from a flare up that started xmas eve (merry christmas to me, right!?).

Glad you were able to get diagnosed so quickly! I spent 4 yrs of getting testing & fighting with the doctors before I was diagnosed.

Good luck with everything!!
thanks for taking the time to read my story and pen is ensure like milk? bcuz if i drink milk i always go to the bathroom instantly :poo:
Hi and welcome to the forum! I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. However, at least you got answers quickly as to what is going on with your health. Have you seen an improvement since starting treatment?

I agree with Pen, it does sound like you could have had a partial blockage, especially since you couldn't keep anything down. I would stick to a low residue diet/easily digestable foods for awhile to avoid another while you get the inflammation under control.
thanks i was feeling better with the 3mg Budesonide but still was tired and not feeling like i did b4 but no pain and regular bm's as long as i stay away from anything with alot of garlic but i recently been tapering off my budesonide and put on imuran my belly has been feeling weird mabey the imuran been making me bloated gotta talk to my Gi about it. hope your doing good

thanks for the link manders i see your from ontario do you know of any support groups in the toronto area?