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Sep 28, 2012
Had mild form of UC for 5 years,had a colonscopy this week and its getting worst. I had a year free treatment of remicade (trial) and it worked great but discontinued it because of cost after trial date ran out.

Im now checking around to see if I can co-pay some of these remacaid treatments.

I called medicare they say its covered if the doctor does the injection in his office and that rediculous, we all know it takes a few hours to complete.Last time I had this done was at an infusion center right next to the hospital.

Any other suggestions?:shifty:
Have you consided Humira? I've never tried it because my insurance wouldn't approve it but, (I think) you inject it yourself at home. Supposed to work as well as Remicade.
HUMIRIA ??? Thats a new one to me and will look that up and ask the doc about this one,
thanks so much for that info.
Daveyjones, if you look in our treatment forum you will find some very informative threads from posters and their experience with Humira, also if you click on the word humira highlighted in Nosick's post above you will be taken to our wiki forum. There you will find alot of credible info on humira with sources listed as well as links to threads that discuss Humira! Good luck to you!
Davey Jones I would check back about the medicare thing. I am on remicade and I get my infusion at a infusion center and it is fully covered.
I would also call an infusion center near you and ask them if medicare covers remicade infusions they will be able to let you know. That is how I found out when I got changed from medicaid to medicare. I have been getting mine for over 8 months with no problems. as a matter of fact just got one yesterday.

Thats an awesome idea to go back to that infusion center and ask questions,will do exactly that tomorrow.
I just read that it was FINALLY approved for use in UC just a few days ago. SO, with that being said, insurance companies will have to think of a new excuse not to approve it. HA!

It was previously only approved for use in Crohn's and that was the reason many insurance companies would deny covering the cost for UC.

Nosick--It would be worth asking your GI to try to get approval from your insurance company once again.
The remicade infusion center was not help,they had a resource room but mostly dealing with cancer patients.
I have a few options to check out including going to the GI doc office for consult and my primary doctor to ask more questions.....stay tuned.
Some GI's do have infusion centers in their office, my son gets his Remicade at the GI docs infusion lab. Maybe you could speak to your GI about other off site remicade labs he could refer you too. We chose the GI's infusion lab(GI office is 3 hours away) over our local hospital because my son will then spend his infusion time with other kids/teens that are dealing with the same illnes/treatment as him. I hope you are able to come up with something. Also even after Remicade pays for the first year don't that also have another program that helps with co pay and coverage? Not sure just thinking it might be something to check into.
Good thinking,Clash...
Always great to get as much info as I can. IM setting up an Appointment with my GI doc today.
I would definitely talk to your GI doctor about other options to see if there is some way for insurance to cover.

One other thing you can look into is having Walgreens administer the infusion at your home. My doctor set me up with this and I was the first in my area. Basically a certified Walgreens nurse comes to your house to perform the infusion. They are there the entire time to monitor you just like as in the hospital/infusion center. The best part of it all, it's about 1/3 the cost of what the hospital was charging me.

I've spoken with the Nurses about it and some of them have been doing it for 5+ years for arthritis patients. My current nurse also has a couple of UC patients that she visits.

I don't work for Walgreens, nor have any preference towards them, but this has helped to save me a lot of money, time, and comfort as it's done right in my home. Just something to look into.
@SMark wow that is awesome. I have never heard of that. I might look into that as well because it is such a long trip to the infusion center for me.

@Davey I just looked on the remicade website:

They have an extended program where you can get up to 8 infusions a year for a $50 co-pay. This is a continuous program. You would just have to re-certify yearly. It did list UC as a covered medical issue.

The only catch to the program is that you have to pay to get the infusion. the program is to cover the cost of the medication only. You might want to look into the Walgreen's program since SMark it cost 1/3 less.

Please let me know if you figure something out. Dont give up just yet hopefully you be back on remicade in no time.

Just came from the docs office today and he is talking with reps from Remacaid and Himana to help me out. The extended program from Remicade is something to look into but Ill wait to see what the Doc office can do first.
The nurse at that office says Remacaid is $1400 A MONTH !!! who the hell can afford that? Im sure something will come up, its just a matter of waiting. I have a walgreens just 2 blocks from my home and just got my flu shot there and thats awesome news about their infusion,Ill ask them about that.

BTW...Im in Florida near the Kennedy Space Center.
Daveyjones I am glad that you are making some progress. I hope it all works out well for you.

I wish my remicade was only $1400.00 my infusions ar around $10,000. I am on a 5mg dose every 8 weeks. Some take 10mg every 4 weeks. I would hate to see their bill lol. I do not know if you ever paid attention to your tubing but with remicade they add a small square which is some kind of filter. That little filter cons $200.00 by itself.

Thank God for medicare and medicade or I would be one sick chick.

Please keep us updated so we know you are getting help and what ever services you find might be able to help someone else in your situation. Best Wishes
Johnson & Johnson patient assistance just turned me down for remacaid....

Heading back to the doc again to maybe try something else