New rash after wearing hollister for almost 2 months???

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May 31, 2012
Ontario Canada
New rash starting at the same time on my PICC line and stoma?

Hi everyone,

I've been wearing hollister for almost 2 months now and have all of the sudden broken out in a huge rash around the edges of the flange and now moving under the adhesive. I also have had a picc line for almost 2 months and am now all of the sudden getting the same rash around the adhesive there. I find it weird that both places have all of the sudden broken out. Why did it take so long for the rash to form? Could it be related to my IV antibiotics or humira? Or is it just as simple as an adhesive problem? help i'm so itchy and my skin is starting to crack too.

Thanks a bunch!
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I've heard of people wearing the same appliance for years suddenly developing an allergy to the adhesive. No hope for it but to change appliances. I would however ring the stoma nurse and advise her. Especially since it's the picc line adhesive as well.

I am also thinking maybe a yeast inbalance in your body? Do you take probiotics to help with that?
I've heard of people wearing the same appliance for years suddenly developing an allergy to the adhesive. No hope for it but to change appliances. I would however ring the stoma nurse and advise her. Especially since it's the picc line adhesive as well.

I am also thinking maybe a yeast inbalance in your body? Do you take probiotics to help with that?

Dry itchy and cracked skin does sound like yeast. I'd consult with your doctor first to be sure, but IF it is, there's some at home treatments I've been using that help to keep it in check.

Buy organic apple cider vinegar and dillute it with baking soda, if it's too acidic it can make it worse, but if you make it more alkaline it's a good anti-yeast treatment, it's brought mine in check but not cured it, which is better than I can say for over-the-counter cream that makes it worse.

The other is lactobacillus acidophilus probiotics which you can take orally or mix with water and apply topically. You can get capsules and crack them open or sometimes get it in a powder.
funny you say yeast because I was starting to think that maybe that was it. I do have troubles with antibiotics and yeast but not on my skin before, but this is the longest dose I have been on. I asked my home care nurse but she kinda just shrugged her shoulders. I see my GP on friday and GI soon so maybe he can help too. I will try probiotics to see if it helps. I take them once and a while but not regularly. Thanks for your reply!!!!
I'm thinking thrush too, particularly since its happening in your picc dressing too and is so itchy, but you should get your doctor to have a look in case its some other irritation or infection - which if its under you picc dressing must have been introduced by whoever changed it (!!!!) i.e. home care nurse who just shrugged it off????
Have you got some canestan cream you could try on the edges? It may relieve a little of the itching - I'm pretty sure you can't use it under the base plate cos it will stop it sticking however I've been told that calamine lotion is helpful for itchy rashes around the stoma. I haven't tried it myself though so if you try it maybe make sure you're going to be home in case there are problems with adhesion. Can't imagine there would be since it isn't oily.
Also have you changed the type of skin barrier wipe or adhesive remover wipe you use? Perhaps you are allergic to them?
I have heard that you can develop a skin reaction to something you've been using a long time -( my sons girlfriend gets dermatitis)
I hope you get it sorted soon whatever is causing it cos it must be very irritating - fingers crossed the doctor sorts it out.
:heart: Anna
Thanks Anna!
I've actually pulled away the adhesive edges and am just hoping the pasty part holds. I'll try some canestan to see if it helps, I'm home on home care so I can just sit and let it air out. I tried calmoseptine a few days ago on it because it's like diaper rash cream with calamine but it didn't help. I also made a wee mix of aloe juice, calendula and tea tree and dab it on, it seems to be helping a wee bit. I have not made any changes to my regiment. It's so weird that they broke out at the same time so I'm really starting to think it's yeast but we'll see...
I see the stoma nurse monday with my GI so hopefully we get it sorted. I'm also done my antibiotics monday so that may help too!!

Thanks for all the replies!
Hi again,
So, Monday for the stoma nurse is far, Friday for my GP is kinda far too... my home care nurse comes tomorrow but I'm not sure how much I trust them to be honest, sorry to say. Anyway, my rash is traveling up my stomach from the stoma area in little spots and slight redness. What I'm worried about is my picc line. It is weeping through the gauze now within 12 hours, it's blistery and yellow which means it's getting infected right? I'm on humira too so this is not going to be good right? I don't think I'm running a fever or anything but am worried about this getting into my central line since it's all around it and weeping. Am I freaking out for nothing or should I go to the ER to make sure?? Thanks everyone!
Yep...go to the ER or some kind of clinic to have it looked at. Don't panic, but do get it checked out sooner than later.
I'd go right away and get it looked at...I had an infection in my picc line and that's what it did. Nothing much to worry about, just more antibiotics I'm afraid.
Yes, ER it is, its not worth risking it when you have a picc line, plus they may be able to sort out the rash for you too. Sooner its looked at the better but as 2thfairy said, don't panic.
Update, it was yeast from the antibiotic. They said not to worry about picc infection because i'm already on a powerful antibiotic. It's all weepy, not pussy but weepy and sooo itchy. They prescribed an anti fungal/hydracortizone cream which is fun to use with the adhesive of my stoma flange. I just cut all the adhesive off and wear my belt hoping the paste does the trick... it's helping a bit so far. Can't wait for monday to see if my picc line can come out and I can get off this meropenem. 2 months is long enough!
Thanks again for the support everyone!
Oh, I don't envy you the itch. Hope the stuff they gave you works and you're able to keep the flange on. Digits crossed.
I know that it probably sounds silly, but a good quality, plain, unsweetened yoghurt (biodynamic or organic for preference) as a paste might help. Probably not under the flange, but on the other areas.

My doctor prescribes it, inserted via a syringe, for vaginal thrush (not one of my problems, thank goodness). I know that's not your problem either, smallfry, but the principal is the same - treating a yeast infection.
Smallfry, glad you got a reason for the rash and that there is no problem with the picc line weeping.. I came across the following and thought it may help you if you are having problems with your baseplate sticking cos of the cream.

For treatment under the appliance, Mycostation™ powder is most commonly used. The powder is sprinkled lightly on the affected areas and sealed in with a skin sealant (e.g. No Sting™ or Skin Prep™). This process is repeated with each appliance change, usually for about three to four changes or until the rash is resolved.

Susan - this was copied and pasted - "appliance" is their word not mine.:):):):)

:heart: Anna
:ybiggrin:Don't you think that it's a very odd word to use? Perhaps it's just my excessively visual imagination at work! :ybiggrin:
Not your imagination, I totally agree with you. A dishwasher or oven is an appliance. However if I've been reading a 'medical' site I do sometimes use the word, plus other medical terms I would normally not use. :)
I take issue with the word 'appliance' too! Although it DOES look like I have a mini fridge on my waistline (because of huge hernia) I take exception to someone pointing it out so to speak!
Smallfry its possible you may have been scratching at the picc line in your sleep. Something similar happened to me when I had a central IV and the thin, plastic, clear adhesive they used was so itchy after a while. The only relief I got was when my mom would change the bandage and let it air out for a bit and felt so good when she cleaned it cause it was super itchy. One night it was too itchy I guess cause I scratched it so hard I pulled it out partway then had to have it put back in immediately. Just a thought as to why yours might be weeping. I honestly don't know how to help that other than extra padding at night.
Re crabbys post about itching picc line, you could wrap a bandage like you'd use for a strained ankle around the arm? Nurses used this for me to stop bruising when I had mine put in cos it kept bleeding but I imagine it woud help secure the line too.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Both sites are looking much better with the cream I was perscribed. Funny my humira site and bloodwork sites have tiny rashes too. The cream has helped them as well.

I've been cleaning and creaming the picc daily and using sterile gauze with gauze cling instead of adhesives. The weeping is done and it's all dried out now, still itchy but much better.

It is hard to keep my flange on but rubbing the cream in really good and barrier wipes are helping. I'm still cutting the adhesive off and using barrier paste with my belt as well but it's worth it for the extra air to the skin. I'm getting 3 days out of it so it's not too bad considering right!!

Added one more month on the meropenem... Can't wait to be off it!!!
Great that you are seeing some improvement at last. Wounds are often very itchy when healing, so that is a positive sign, too, if it's drying up.

Three days is excellent in the circumstances. You've done such a good job at persisting with experiments to find the best solution for you.


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