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Jun 7, 2011
Hey all, so here is my shortened version of a long story. I'm 26 now, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease 6 years ago. When I was first diagnosed, I had 14 inches of inflamed ileum/small intestine. Most of the disease was under control, but I always had a small section of intestine that was affected, my ileum. Eventually after a 30 day stay in the hospital in 2008, I had an ileocolic resection. I worked for the FDNY as a medic throughout my time with the disease, but eventually the disease got so bad, I needed to resign and go back to school to get a job that my disease can tolerate. I'm on Cimzia every 3 weeks as my only medicine, although it has been quite sporadic for the past 4 months because my doctor is a flaky and arrogant waste of a medical degree. Now of course I am in a REALLY bad flair. That's the short of it at least.
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Hi Young J and welcome!

Sorry to hear about your current flare... and your goofy doctor. Are you looking for a new GI?

It's a shame you had to give up your career with the FDNY - what are you doing now?

Good luck - I hope the Cimzia can work for you and you can find a new doctor that can treat you better!

Yea, it is sucky to leave that job. I actually miss it most days. Now I'm in school, finishing my undergrad and starting my MPA in Emergency and Disaster management.

I am looking for a new doctor, lucky for me, my amazing girlfriend's brother in law is a GI specializing in Crohn's, as well as his father. So they gave me some names and got me into one of the finest practices in NYC. I see the doctor a week from Monday, I'm hoping she's as fantastic as they all say.

But thank you for your words of support!! It meant a lot! I used to have a lot of Crohn's/UC friends, but we have all gone our own ways, so I needed support of someone who understands first hand.
Hi YoungJ!

Sorry to hear that you've had to make a career change due to your health, but it sounds like your new field could be just as rewarding! :)

I hope your new doctor works out for you. That's great that you were able to get in to see another one so soon.

Hope you find the forum welcoming and supportive. :) I've met so many great people on here with amazing stories!
Hi youngj and welcome! I sure hope your new doctor is as good as your family tells you, too. It sounds like you certainly are in need of a more attentive GI!

Good luck on Monday and with your education. Emergency and Disaster Management sounds to be right up your alley - I am sure you'll excel!
Hi youngj, I understand what your going through. I know this post is very old but I just came across it.

I also worked as a medic at station 16 in Harlem for a couple years and then transferred to the Rockaways. I moved back to FL about 5 months ago because I grew up here and I missed it.

I actually recall hearing your story from a partner one night now that I think of it. I had to work when I first came down with the symptoms, it was total hell. I first went on all the meds, but they didn't work.

Now I'm off all meds and doing alternative treatments with very minimal symptoms.

Don't know if you'll read this old thread but send me an email if you get a chance and let me know how things are going. Take care brother.

[email protected]

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