Ohh.. This forum I can tell maybe a life saver.. I just got diagnosed with Crohn's about 6 weeks ago and so far it's been pure hell. I have never been sick before not like this and I'm having a rough time with it. It just seems my body is doing weird things and I never know what to expect. I am stressed about work. I have been on short term disability at work since all this started. Minus about a week and half where I tried to go back to work in between my first hospital stay and then surgery: I just don't know what to expect. Will all of this eventually die down? I know no one that has this so its hard. My body just does things and I don't know if it's. Crohn's or not. . Thank goodness for this forum.. Latest thing is thanks giving was yesterday and early this morning I got a pain right above my belly button that kind of radiates to my side/ back. It last for a few hours then just goes away.. This has happened before 4 or 5 times is this part of the Crohn's?? It generally happens after large meals and once right as I was eating red beans and rice( I know now this meal is a no no) It feels like a very full feeling like I need to pass gas or something it's not excruciating to send me to the hospital but does keep me up until it subsides.. I have noticed when it happens it's generally worse when I lay on my back. But just very uncomfortable until it goes away in a few hours..
Thanks in advance i appreciate all of you
Thanks in advance i appreciate all of you