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Dec 28, 2011
HI all,

To give a bit of back ground on me. I have been dealing with chrons since 2004. I use the word crohn's even though I was diagnosed (by 4 GI's) and undiagnosed ( because I did not want to participate in his studies)by one of the so called top GI's. I have been lucky and have had few flare ups over the years and managed symptoms with my family Dr. Now I am in a flare up since Dec 1, 2011 and can't get treatment. I have lost 31lbs and have been to the ER 3 times for dehydration. I can't go to work because of the pain and bathroom issues. I am at a total loss and so frustrated.

I do have an appointment with yet another GI Feb 1, but must say I don't have much confidence.

I have copies of the reports from the GI's who have done biopsies and scopes with results.

Has anyone had this issue? What can one do?
Watch your diet and eliminate any drinks that are beyond water and herbal teas. Absolutely no alcohol or carbonation, as that can cause inflammation. Additionally, try to eliminate the common allergens of wheat, corn, gluten, soy, dairy...try to be sure to eat only hot or warm foods, not cold. Cold drinks and food may cause cramping. Try soups for a few days to calm the stomach. feel better
Hi Melissa and welcome! I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles :(

Why can't you get treatment? I'm a little confused there. Are you currently on any medications? Any supplements? Why don't you have confidence in your upcoming appointment?

I'm sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to figure out how we can best support you :)

Hi Melissa and welcome! Getting an official diagnosis can be challenging for many; trust me, I know. You made a smart move getting all of your records prepared for your new GI. This should certainly save time, energy, and money.

In the meantime, I'd be careful with my diet. I stick to a low residue diet when I am unwell such as toast, rice, applesauce, chicken, crackers, etc. If you are struggling to get enough calories, you should try Ensure or Boost.

Hang in there!
Welcome to the forum, Melissa. :welcome:

It doesn't make any sense to me that a GI would retract your diagnosis just because you wouldn't participate in a study. What nerve! What study was it? What were his grounds for retracting your diagnosis?

I really hope you're able to get some solid answers from your next appointment. Good luck.