New to the forum - advice please!

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Oct 26, 2011
Hi all

I'm the girlfriend of a very newly diagnosed Crohn's sufferer, and am new to the forum myself. Its been a rough couple of months, I'm sure you can appreciate, but its so great to see places like this for people to come and talk about it!

My boyfriend is doing better, just been put on Azathioprine, and is still taking Pentasa tablets, although today (for the first time in weeks), there was a small amount of bright red blood in his stool. He is waiting for the consultant to call him, but we can't help but be worried about it. I know that everyone is different, but in your experiences, is this something to be concerned about?

Thank you guys! :)
Hey CrohnsGF,

It's really nice that you are here supporting your boyfriend, I know it can be hard for us Crohnies to find supportive partners. We here at the forum, will be happy to answer any of the questions that we can and hope that you find us to be a useful resource :)
As to your question it could be a variety of things. I myself am on Aziathioprine and Pentasa and have found that it really helps. However, like your BF I noticed a small amount of bright red blood in my stool a few weeks ago. I went to the doctors straightaway (as thing can be a bad sign in some instances) but as it turns out, my GP thinks it was merely an internal hemmorrhoid that must have burst, and I just left it alone and everything was absolutely fine. It may well turn out to be something similar with your BF if the bleeding was only temporary (say a day or two) and he has no other significant pain.
I hope it turns out to be something as minor as my issue was. Goodluck with everything.
:welcome: to the forum! Yes, we fully understand, we can talk about things you can't or shouldn't talk to an outsider...just way too much information for them. Nothing is off the table here. Bright red is not usually the concerning type of blood but it can depend on how much. If it is alot he should be seeing a doctor right away, some people take pictures of it, yeah I know the doctors can see. It would help us to know if he knows exactly where his crohns is located. It could be that he is straining or has a fistula. Sorry I am not familiar with rectal bleeding but some others here are. Does he have any pain anywhere? Does he have loose bowel moments or constipated. I know again, gross but it can help us help you.

Let us know if the doctor calls, don't let this go ok? :hang:
Hi guys - thanks so much for the quick responses, I can't tell you what it means to have people to ask about this!

My boyfriend is still waiting for the doctor to come back to him, but from he says there is no pain at all, and his movements are completely normal. There isn't much blood either, so we're probably worrying about nothing, but as we're so new to all of this, you can't help but think the worst, so any advice is brilliant.

Again, thank you all so much x
Hey CrohnsGF,
How are things going? Have you been given any answers by the doctors yet? I hope it's nothing serious.


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