Having hard time learning to use this site. Anyway im 43 male just found out had crohns back in Dec. I was told that i most likely had Crohns for years before. I have been doing well so far....
Hi Ed! :welcome:
I was also diagnosed with crohn's just ~6 weeks ago at 43 years. I think typically it's discovered in teens or 20s. I too could have had this brewing for decades I guess, but it's just now showing its evil self.
You'll get familiar with using the site - it's a great resource for info and tips. Great people with their own stories and experiences.
Welcome! Glad you joined us. I never used my computer except for looking up things and e-mail I also type very slow and can't spell good . thought I would give it a try and this forum has helped me very much everyone is so nice and help me with questions weather its about my disease or the computer they help step by step. I'm still learning, Hope to hear more about you.