Newbie from India needs advice

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Apr 7, 2017
Hi Members,
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis about a year ago, after suffering for a year and a half before that. When my eye flared up, doctors actually took my problem seriously. Till then I was treated like it was a fabrication of my mind.:frown:
I am currently on Pentasa 3gms per day. In this year of taking the Pentasa, I have had to take a course of prednisone thrice since a flare up could not be contained and each time it effected my eyes.
December was my last flare up after which I was put on prednisone and suffered all the side effects of it. I was stable till March. Since then my bowel movements have steadily increased (sometimes averaging 15-20 bm a day), bleeding, joint pain and tiredness. Past couple of days I have been running a low grade fever in the evenings.
My doc has put me on a course of ciprofloxicin till I see him next week.
Am I correct in thinking that Pentasa is not working for me? What are my other options?
Pentasa only hits the surface of the disease. Call your doctor and tell him what is happening. Let us know how you are.

Welcome. I'm sorry to hear of the troubles. I agree with Ron, you should see a doctor. Feel free to come here often, it is a great place for support. There a ton of really nice folks here who understand these difficulties. Yes, be sure to let us know how things go.

welcome again, I hope things get better for you soon,

Hi, hope your keeping well. May i ask what kind of diet on? A diet aproach eould be to go on a liquid diet, im from singapore and my son has crohns. he was put on modulen and i belief it did help. But we also did alot of changes to his diet. His blood test now is normal.
I can put up the full diet he is on. The only med he is on now is 500mg per day of pentasa.

Hi, I'm from india too. I hope you're not eating spicy food. Take bland ones like dal chawal, curd. I hope you feel better soon

I totally agree with Madhu, spicy foods may need to be suspended until you are in better health.

I can eat spicy things now but not when I was in a flare. I hope you feel well soon.

Keep in touch,

Hi, hope your keeping well. May i ask what kind of diet on? A diet aproach eould be to go on a liquid diet, im from singapore and my son has crohns. he was put on modulen and i belief it did help. But we also did alot of changes to his diet. His blood test now is normal.
I can put up the full diet he is on. The only med he is on now is 500mg per day of pentasa.


My Doc never advised me on my diet. I have recently been reading up on SCD diet and am trying it right now. Just started a couple of days ago. I would appreciate any advice on diet. Thanks.:)
Hi, I'm from india too. I hope you're not eating spicy food. Take bland ones like dal chawal, curd. I hope you feel better soon

Hi Madhu, for the past month or so I have been living on curd rice and Khichdi. Reid staying away from most veggies as well, but to no avail. Finally I was put on to an antibiotic till such time that I meet my doc. Had gone up to 22 BMs a day and I was feeling wretched. Antibiotic has helped some and I meet the Doc tomorrow. Let's see what he says. Thanks for your advice.
My Doc never advised me on my diet. I have recently been reading up on SCD diet and am trying it right now. Just started a couple of days ago. I would appreciate any advice on diet. Thanks.:)

Base on mine and my wifes researches and non stop reading about IBD :D
first and foremost approach is to give your digestive system (large intestines, small intestines, stomach) a rest hence most doctors would tell patients to go on a liquid diet for a span of 2-8weeks depending on your case or your flare up..
This liquid diet will give the digestive track time to heal...

me and my wife are pro natural healing (as much as possible) our son is on liquid diet for 12weeks and this coming week we will start re introducing food to him, he still on pentasa and havent start his azathioprine yet. We will go with SCD diet too and will be starting on a good beef broth. We read that a good beef broth will help to sooth the lining of the intestines and help to heal it faster....

I hope your bowel movements will lessen with a good clean diet soon...
it also helps to keep a food diary.... list down all the food that makes you go to the toilet so you can remember to stir clear of those things in future.

All the best! :thumright:
Base on mine and my wifes researches and non stop reading about IBD :D
first and foremost approach is to give your digestive system (large intestines, small intestines, stomach) a rest hence most doctors would tell patients to go on a liquid diet for a span of 2-8weeks depending on your case or your flare up..
This liquid diet will give the digestive track time to heal...

me and my wife are pro natural healing (as much as possible) our son is on liquid diet for 12weeks and this coming week we will start re introducing food to him, he still on pentasa and havent start his azathioprine yet. We will go with SCD diet too and will be starting on a good beef broth. We read that a good beef broth will help to sooth the lining of the intestines and help to heal it faster....

I hope your bowel movements will lessen with a good clean diet soon...
it also helps to keep a food diary.... list down all the food that makes you go to the toilet so you can remember to stir clear of those things in future.

All the best! :thumright:

I'm a Crohns Patient, but want to tell you Homemade (with healthy grass fed animals) bone broths, soup stocks made in the crockpot and not with garlic or onions have helped me a LOT. (NOT commercially made!) Wonderful healing stuff. Lots of info on the internet. Must be simmered a while to melt cartilage and get minerals out of bones. The hardest thing is finding the bones at a reasonable price!! Chicken is the easiest to find, just buy whole chickens and if you can, get the feet in there too. Hope you are feeling better soon!
I'm a Crohns Patient, but want to tell you Homemade (with healthy grass fed animals) bone broths, soup stocks made in the crockpot and not with garlic or onions have helped me a LOT. (NOT commercially made!) Wonderful healing stuff. Lots of info on the internet. Must be simmered a while to melt cartilage and get minerals out of bones. The hardest thing is finding the bones at a reasonable price!! Chicken is the easiest to find, just buy whole chickens and if you can, get the feet in there too. Hope you are feeling better soon!

yes! we give my son homemade grassfeed broth with (as much as possible organic) carrots, leeks, cabbage and let it cook in crockpot for 12hrs... strain it and wala! homemade no preservative yummy goodness broth, in my opinion this is a must for all IBD patients :)

the organic chicken are way expensive so we find chicken that is feed with probiotics...