newbie from ky
I just found this web site and was looking to see if there are anyone else from ky with crohn's. I live in northern ky about 20 miles south of cincinnati and 50 miles north of the ky wildcats. I dont know much about my crohn's and from the text book answer I got from my gi dr tells me it is up to me to learn because I was not impressed with his answers. Just wanted to say hello to all. The way I look at my problem is sort of like basketball with the uk wildcats. UK went out and got them a new coach to lead them, it will be a new season with no wins and no loses. So now my body has decided to come up with a new disease and the way I look at it,that it's time to play a game against crohn's I will not lose at it, sure there are going to be days when it takes the lead and I feel rough but there are going to be days when I have the lead and feel good but I need to find the right coach or dr to lead me. Right now the score is tied and we are getting ready to play and it looks like there are alot of team mates out there to help each other out when the going gets rough. I'm not crazy I just like sports, I have the wildcats, bengals and Cincinnati reds to cheer for. I know the last two teams are not much these days but I always liked the underdog. Guess I sort of relate better to them. Good luck to all.
I just found this web site and was looking to see if there are anyone else from ky with crohn's. I live in northern ky about 20 miles south of cincinnati and 50 miles north of the ky wildcats. I dont know much about my crohn's and from the text book answer I got from my gi dr tells me it is up to me to learn because I was not impressed with his answers. Just wanted to say hello to all. The way I look at my problem is sort of like basketball with the uk wildcats. UK went out and got them a new coach to lead them, it will be a new season with no wins and no loses. So now my body has decided to come up with a new disease and the way I look at it,that it's time to play a game against crohn's I will not lose at it, sure there are going to be days when it takes the lead and I feel rough but there are going to be days when I have the lead and feel good but I need to find the right coach or dr to lead me. Right now the score is tied and we are getting ready to play and it looks like there are alot of team mates out there to help each other out when the going gets rough. I'm not crazy I just like sports, I have the wildcats, bengals and Cincinnati reds to cheer for. I know the last two teams are not much these days but I always liked the underdog. Guess I sort of relate better to them. Good luck to all.