Newly Diagnosed Child with Crohn's

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Jan 2, 2016
Our son was recently diagnosed with moderate to severe Crohn's disease. He is an active 10 year old with no apparent outwards signs of Crohn's disease like we have read or heard. He is 4'11", 102 lbs. and wears s men's shoe size, 8.5. He pitches on his Little League and travel baseball teams, as well as swimming 5 nights a week for an hour and a half as part of a competitive swim club, in which he competes in various swim meets. He had no fatigue issues that may be a sign. About one year ago he began getting very hungry all of a sudden and would throw up if not fed. If he ate all was fine. Various doctors tested him for food allergies, stomach migraines, etc. all negative it would turn out. Then just after midnight the Sunday before Thanksgiving he woke up with extreme pain in his stomach and began vomiting and would not stop. We would bring him to our local hospital where a CAT Scan with contrast would be done and a blockage was discovered in his small intestine (ileum). We were told he would need to have an NG tube inserted through his nose, while he was awake, and would get stuck several times before being finally inserted. It was the wrong size, we would find out later, and he bled quite a lot. In addition he would need to be transported to a nearby children's hospital. His white blood cell count was 22,000 and he had a 103 fever.

After a few days of nothing be mouth and the NG tube as well as an iv of 40 mg of prednisone and anti-biotics, as well as fluconazole to resolve an overgrowth of candida in his esophagus he was released on Thanksgiving day.

A follow up endoscopy has shown that candida is gone and they assume it was the result of steroids taken last year for the flu. The immunologist has since cleared him for remicade.

At present our son is on a low residue diet, has had the prednisone dropped down to 20 mg and had his 1st remicade last Tuesday.

We are still in disbelief but are moving forward.
I am so sorry for what you and your son are going through, i do hope that he feels better very soon. There are a section for Parents of Kids with IBD maybe you can find this helpfull. Welcome to the forum :)

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