Newly Diagnosed- Crohn's

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Jan 6, 2016
Hey all, I am 17 & recently got diagnosed with mild to moderate Crohn's disease a few months ago.

In total it took a year & a few months to figure out what was going on. I had a series of colonoscopies, endoscopies, pillcams, blood tests, etc.:cry:

It was really irritating because it took forever to get diagnosed. Even after it was found that I had a high count of white blood cells, Vitamin D deficiency, several lesions in my ileum, as well as ulcers & other odd raised things. Not to add all my symptoms (nausea, weight loss, diarrhea, blood in stool, mucous, fatigue, fever):facepalm:

My GI was worried in diagnosing me because he didnt want to diagnose me with the wrong thing or something i didnt have at all. I was furious because my body was in severe pain & he wasnt really doing much but testing me more! :angry-banghead:

Now, he finally diagnosed me & put me on Pentasa. It had been working fine until this past week. I feel like utter hell. Fatigued, nauseous, low grade fever, ringing in my ears, dizzy, irregular bowel movements (painful & urgent). I don't know what to do.

I am in college at the moment & ive already missed 2 days out of the 3 so far. I am worried that I wont be able to continue. Any thoughts or advice? :sign0085:
Hi and welcome. Im sorry you are not feeling well.

Call the GI team asap. Contact ideally the nurse but if there,s none, contact the secretary. Tell them you would need to see the dr asap and that your symptoms are returning making you feel so bad you cant go to school. If they cant offer you an appointment this week or very soon, go to the ER of the hospital where you are usually treated with your GI (they will have easy access to your files). good luck and let us know how it goes!
Hi and welcome. Im sorry you are not feeling well.

Call the GI team asap. Contact ideally the nurse but if there,s none, contact the secretary. Tell them you would need to see the dr asap and that your symptoms are returning making you feel so bad you cant go to school. If they cant offer you an appointment this week or very soon, go to the ER of the hospital where you are usually treated with your GI (they will have easy access to your files). good luck and let us know how it goes!

Because I am not an adult yet, I have to see a childrens GI. The closest GI is 4 hours away from where I live. Scheduling will be tough.
My mum doesnt want to take me in to the ER because she doesn't think they will do anything for me. I have not had to go to the hospital yet for a GI emergency. Just to get tested. The hospital that would have my information is 4 hours away.
I now have a temp of 100.3 & have chills.
My biggest worry is that if I go in to the ER, they will not do anything for me & send me back home.
i would call the nurse tomorrow and ask what to do. the best is really to see your own doctor asap. if trip to go there is difficult go the ER of the closest hospital. They will manage to get your files if needed. you need to be seen by a doctor asap and not let things go downhill. ER is always a place to go when we have crohn's, feeling unwell and unable to see our own doctor. when you have a diagnosis, they take it very seriously at the ER. I've been to the ER 2-3 times unsure I was flaring and everytime they took it seriously.
I did not end up going to the ER last night, my mum kept me in.
I have called my GI doctor & am waiting for a nurse to call me back.
I keep missing school, & my professors are getting upset with me at this point.
when you see your doctor, ask for a school note so that your teachers can understand your situation. crossing my fingers the nurse will call tomorrow. Sending good vibes your way!
Good luck with getting help from your G.I. Mine will often send prescriptions in after a rough idea is given on how I'm feeling. No need to actually go in. Perhaps they can do that for you. Also, I second getting a note for the school. Most colleges also have disability services that can help with situations such as these so long as you have proof of your condition.