Newly Diagnosed Osteoarthritis (Knees)

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Aug 28, 2012
Hi Friends!

It looks like I've officially joined the arthritis club...YAY!:yrolleyes:

Does anyone have suggestions on questions or testing I should ask of my GI as it relates to crohns + arthritis?

Before this osteoarthritis diagnosis, the only time I would experience anything similar to arthritic-pain & discomfort was when I was in a crohn's flare (burning sensation in hip joints)

After getting an x-ray done I see that I now have osteoarthritis in both knees (I get sharp, random pains, burning sensations and can barely put my bodyweight on my knees). My PCP seems to think it may be a result of Crohns since I'm in my mid-30s. I'm about to schedule an appointment with my GI to update him on the new diagnosis and perform other follow-up exams. Personally I think the arthritis may be from a combination of things (overweight + crohn's + previous high-impact exercises + former crohns meds like steroids)
I haven't seen a rheumy. It was not even an option that was recommended to me. I do however have physical therapy referral which I started a few weeks ago.

Maybe my GI will say to see a rheumy? What I do know is the first thing that needs to happen is I need to shed the 50lbs I put on over the past year (I'm an overweight crohn's member, I currently weigh the most I ever have & notice the physical discomforts from it). I'm having the physical therapist help me come up with tweaks to some workouts so that I can regain a safe range of motion and build muscle strength so I can start proper weight loss.
Im sorry for this diagnosis. My father suffers from this in both knees since about 15 years. he is 75. He has seen a rhuemy and they cant do nothing about this condition except recommending acetominofen (Tylenol), injecting cortisone or a lubricant fluid in the knees , such as Synvisc, every six month or so. My father never tried those injection options. These do not repair damages, they simply ease the pain. Down the road can be knee replacement surgery. he is at this point since several years as his condition is now severe on x-ray. I once met a CD young patient who already underwent several joint replacements in her life. She had been diagnosed with very severe CD at a very young age and took a lot of pred in her life and explained to me the bone degeneresance was due to pred. She was 30.
Seeing a physical therapist for specific leg muscle reinforcement around your knees and weight loss are for sure your best bet at this time. My father lost a good 20-30 pounds and always said this helped him a lot. Ive become a avid adept of swimming since a year. Its a great sport, easy on the joints. Hope you can find something you like and acheive your goals:)
Definitely see a rheumatologist - it may be osteoarthritis, but given your age it could easily be Spondyloarthritis too. Spondyloarthritis, like Crohn's, is caused by an immune system dysfunction (it's currently thought to be caused by an overactive immune system) and like Crohn's can cause a lot of damage to your body (in this case joints instead of gut). It can affect any joint though the sacroiliac joints, hips, knees and ankles are all commonly involved.
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