I just want to see how people deal w the fact that people do not understand crohns. My family and friends don't understand the severity of the disease. They don't understand that I have to cancel plans a lot because I'm not feeling well. I actually have friends that get mad at me after I explain I can't get together because I'm sick. All that I hear is "well you look fine". My family blames the disease on me and say my disease is self inflicted by what I eat (I do not eat what I know will make me sick). Also my coworkers do not understand when I'm unable to make it to work and again say that I "look fine". It's like people think we make this disease up!!?? I have even gotten in trouble at work for "looking tired". When i told my boss i cant help it and its because of my disease, my boss just stared at me blankely!! I have tried to explain to family and friends the severity of my disease and symptoms but I just end up getting frustrated because they don't understand. I continue to be sick w D 7-10 times a day, sometimes more and the lack of understanding is just terrible. I don't mean to go on and on complaining, but I just want to see how people cope w this disease?? Just finding it very difficult and I guess this helps define who my true friends are!!