Non-painful throat lump

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 10, 2011
Has anyone had this type of symptom - a non-painful throat lump? It feels like the right side of my throat has tightened up or like there's a tense lump there. It's at the area right below the back of my throat - sort of above the Adam's apple (if I had one).

It doesn't hinder my swallowing nor does it hurt at all, but it's just sort of annoying and causing me a bit of concern. It comes and goes for hours at a time and is a recent development. Not sure what triggers it. Any ideas?
No, I think it's too high to be the thyroid. Actually, it feels almost like it's extending from my sinus down to my throat.
Sounds like your tonsile. It'll pass as soon as everything from your sinus is drained. If not that maybe it's another lymph node but if it's connected to your sinus then it's probably your tonisil

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