Not Crohn's-related, but need help

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Jan 13, 2011
I know many of you have experience with gallbladder removal, so I'm hoping you can help. I had a lap chole 6 days ago. All was fine and well for 3 days post-op. In fact, I had my first solid poop since last year at 2 days post-op. Day 3, solid again. I was feeling so good and going stir-crazy, so I decided to do some chores, including mowing the lawn (not a riding mower). Afterwards, I threw up, probably from overheating, which hurt. But then I was fine.

Saturday (4 days post-op), everything started going downhill. The diarrhea was back (I expected this-I'm sure it's just the Crohn's) and I started getting sharp pains under my ribs on the LEFT (gallbladder is on the right). It's just getting worse. The pain ranges from a 3-4 to a 6-7 (at which point I pop a percocet). It's not surgical pain, if that makes sense. The incisions, while a little bruised and sore, are not causing the pain. It feels like an organ. The pain is very sharp and gets worse after I eat (no matter what I eat or how much). It does not feel like my normal Crohn's pain-much too high for that, going by my past experience.

Is this normal after a chole? My post-op with the surgeon is in another week. Do I just suck it up and keep taking the pain pills? I feel like a week post-op, I should be off the pain pills. I just don't know what to do or if this is normal.
Oh, and the pain goes almost away when I'm sitting. It's immediately back when I stand up. And I've tried taking gas-x. I don't think it's gas.
i don't think that is normal.. i had my gallbladder out last year and i was told nothing strenuous for at least 3 weeks and was out of work for that long.. i say you should call the dr immediately!
I talked to the nurse, who called the surgeon. He said I way overdid it by mowing and shouldn't be pushing/pulling/lifting anything for 2 weeks, at least. I don't need to see him, but I need to take it extra easy and let my body heal. Stupid move on my part. I was planning on starting back my cardio workouts today, but I guess I'll be putting that on hold. Not sure I could work out through this pain anyway.

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