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Apr 19, 2009
Hi all. I posted a couple weeks ago about some symptoms I was having as far as bloody mucous in my stool and then black stool. My doctor wanted a colonoscopy and referred me to a colorectal surgeon group for one. They finally have me scheduled for my colonoscopy on Friday, this will be exactly 4 weeks after I first had my syptoms. The past week I had not noticed any blood in my stool at all. I do feel really tired and have slight consistent pain in my abdomen. Well yesterday, after I brushed my teeth, I noticed black in my saliva. It was there if I brought the saliva up from the back of my throat. I called my doctor and they want me to also get an endoscopy now also. Now today I have black stool again. This is so frustrating and I just want to know what is wrong with me. I'm scared to death that it could be cancer, but then Chrones is also bad. Hopefully just an ucler or something. Anyone else have similar symptoms with the black in your saliva.
hi Tom.. heck i'm not surprised you're worried, i would be too! no, i've never had anything like that in saliva, but i do pass blood from my Crohn's, and i freaked out the first time it happened.

let's hope it is something that just needs to heal like an ulcer.. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you on Friday - good luck. please let us know how you get on.
I've known people with ulcers to have black blood in saliva as well in their stools.
I can't say I've had this symptom.
I go in for my colonoscopy today at 2:00PM. I'm suspecting that they won't find anything because I'm now convinced that I have an ucler. Doctor was concerned with Chrones when I first presented with symptoms so we'll see.
I had my appointment today, it was suppose to be only the colonoscopy and an endoscopy was scheduled for the 28th of May. Well the doctor that is doing my endoscopy happened to be in the hospital today and they asked him if they could do that today right after my colonoscopy, and he did! So that was really nice. And both tests were good. I'm happy that they did not find anything, but also upset that they still don't know where my problems are comming from. My wife said that he took a biopsy from my esophagous but I do not know why. I was too out of it to talk to the docs. They said that the only thing left to do would be a scan of my small intestines with the barium. So we'll see I guess.
I was going to tell you tomes, that they told me that usually there isn't pain with cancer. Unless the tumor is pushing on something else. This is what calmed me down initially since I was terrified that I had colon cancer. Not that it guarantees you don't have cancer, but good to know I guess. I don't know why cancer is so frightening, there are so many other worse things that can happen. When I had my colonoscopy they took 15 biopsies. I guess they can tell certain things from the cells and they always want to check to make sure nothing is cancerous or pre cancerous as well. Mine came back clean...yay! No sign of whatever indicates Crohn's though. Don't get too discouraged if they don't have a clear cut answer for you. Like Pen said sometimes it takes a long time for them to figure it out. unfortunately Crohn's likes to be a bit mysterious. I had a special blood test that was suppose to look for Crohn's and that came back not Crohn's. But, my colonoscopy was pretty cut and dry...Crohn's. I still had to go through many tests after to see if it was anywhere else in my digestive tract, but it wasn't...mine is only in the colon. My point is hang in there for many it is a roller coaster to diagnosis. It only took me a few months and that is very short compared to many.

Let us know how everything goes.
Thanks for your replies. I guess they said they can't see the small intestine in both tests so the next thing will be an x-ray or CT with barium so they can see the small instestine ( was too out of it to know what they said this is comming from my wife lol) I just really thought they would find something with these tests and it's frustrating that something is wrong and I still don't know what.
hi tomes--yeah that is definitly very frusterating to have symptoms but have all test come back clean.
i hope that they figure out what the case is soon
good luck and let us know!

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