Hi I havent been diagnosed but im wondering if I can presume I do have Crohns.
After 3 years of complaining to my Dr I was spending way to much time going to the bathroom I was referred to a Gastro. I had recently had a colonoscopy but nothing was found. During the visit i was told my CRP was elevated. I then had to have blood test every 2 months.
I returned to my Gastro last week to be told my CRP is higher than before and now my vitamin D is low. He is saying I have inflammation in my bowel somewhere and has given me salofack 500mg .
I do have a hernia which he has suggested I have surgery on to fix.
My symptoms are multiple bowel movements, severe cramping, right side pain especially around the hernia. Sore joints, feeling like Im coming down with the flu. And despite my food going in one end a quickly out the other I have gained weight
I have also had a perianul abscess in the past.
Does inflammation in the bowel alway indicate Crohns? I'd appreciate any feedback.
Im also quite frustrated as my hubby doesnt seen to be interested in what is going on and just thinks Im an annoying cause I have to go to the loo.
After 3 years of complaining to my Dr I was spending way to much time going to the bathroom I was referred to a Gastro. I had recently had a colonoscopy but nothing was found. During the visit i was told my CRP was elevated. I then had to have blood test every 2 months.
I returned to my Gastro last week to be told my CRP is higher than before and now my vitamin D is low. He is saying I have inflammation in my bowel somewhere and has given me salofack 500mg .
I do have a hernia which he has suggested I have surgery on to fix.
My symptoms are multiple bowel movements, severe cramping, right side pain especially around the hernia. Sore joints, feeling like Im coming down with the flu. And despite my food going in one end a quickly out the other I have gained weight
Does inflammation in the bowel alway indicate Crohns? I'd appreciate any feedback.
Im also quite frustrated as my hubby doesnt seen to be interested in what is going on and just thinks Im an annoying cause I have to go to the loo.