Officially an Ostomate!

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Oct 1, 2008
Hey guys, i had my total protocolectomy done on 10/19/2010 and I am home from the hospital. A few quick questions:

Gas? Does it get less frequent?

Nausea, lack of appetite and dizziness, do these go away after the surgery?

I ask because these two things have been troubling me the last 2 days since I've been home and wanted to get some advice.

Thank you!
Welcome to the club!!! Have you named your stoma yet? Mine's Oscar, cuz he's occasionally

The gas does abate eventually. I found Oscar settled down around the four month mark. And yes, the nausea, dizziness, and lack of appetite go away too. Just try to keep moving around, that will help make you stronger and the dizziness to go away. I felt like my old self after about 3 months (I was eating like a horse after about 3

Good luck and keep us posted :)
My stoma's name was Oliver Stoma- named by my creative hubby.

Cindy's answers were spot on. She is a great inspirational resource when it comes to ostomys.

As for me, things were pretty hard for about a month and then everything got sooo much better. My whole life changed.

I never really had a problem with gas, but I am not really a gassy person to begin with (more of a burper than a farter). My appetite came back like crazy when I had my ostomy. Trust me, once things settle down and you realize how much fun eating is without Crohn's pain, you are going to gain a ton of weight weather you like it or not!

Things were pretty hard for about two months for me and then everything got sooo much better.

I don't know if you were in a lot of pain or what lead you to make the decision to get the ostomy but I can tell you from personal experience, it just might be the best decision you ever make.

I just had my reversal a few weeks ago, but I have to say, I really miss my ostomy. The six months that i had it were probably the best time of my whole life. I was able to travel, eat what I wanted, and just fell healthy. I felt like I didn't have Crohns at all!

I hope that you get what you want from your surgery and you are feeling great and healing soon.
Welcome to the perfect ass club. Gas does get better, but you will also learn in time what to eat, to minimize it. I try to not to eat anything 3 hours before I got to sleep, to minimize waking up with a hot air balloon on my belly - have learned the hard way.

I had my surgery on June 1st of this year, and I have still not gained my appetite back. I tend to eat one larger meal a day, but take protein 4 times a day and supplements.

If you should have any questions on this or devices let me know.

Wish you the best and once you adjust it is so much nicer then what you wear going through, at least for me it was.
Thanks guys! I'm actually feeling a lot better today! Had a shower and changed my bag...I feel like a new man!
Hey Thatguy,
You seem like you're doing great. I was a mess after my Proctocolectomy. And I'm still dealing with a bleeding re-opened perianal wound after 6 months - ugh. But, I'm doing great anyway.

My ostomy seemed so noisy at first. Either it calmed down, or I just got used to it. Also, I didn't have the 3 symptoms you listed after I got home, but felt lousy for 2 months in my own way.

Have a good and speedy recovery!

It took me about six weeks for my stoma to calm down. Remember that all the mess you'll deal with now will soon go away and you will feel awesome very soon.
Its funny because I went from feeling in the dumps this morning to wanting to run a mile. I named my ostomy today too. came to me naturally when i was telling it to shut up while family was visiting. All in all, i think today was a huge turning point and there is nowhere to go now but up!
Well that's wonderful, hopefully, you and Larry can learn to cohabitate. Acceptance is part of the healing process. The easiest way through life is to go with the flow. You can't change it, so why sit and wish things were different. Make the best of what you've got. What a great way to look at things. Hey, it's not always going to be easy, but sometimes we gotta take the good with the bad. I really think this will bring you the relief you need. Enjoy the peace.
Hey That Guy,
I am glad I read your post. My doc and I are discussing the whole bag bit and I am leaning toward it but still very afraid (which my husband says I never am). I really don't care too much about the noise bit and my stomach itself makes very gross sounds. And LOUD! You would think it was hooked up to an amplifier! Anyway, just wanted to thank you for posting how you are doing. I will keep up if you keep posting.
Welcome Larry!! Any reason why you called it Larry? Or it just seemed right?

I had a contest on here and one of the other members came up with It just seemed right :)

Glad you're feeling better about things!
answers, please!!

After reading all the posts, I'd like to know if anyone has a j-pouch and how many times you go to the bathroom daily. My son is considering a j-pouch surgery b/c nothing else is even touching his u c. Also, about how long is the recovery? Thanks, guys. I am so happy I found this site. At least I know we're not alone even though he refuses to do anything like this - I really wish he would. He's just so bitter!
bparker, you are better off starting a new thread asking your questions, more people will see it like that.

thatguy, you werent in hospital long were you? glad your settling down now with larry, my advice, though someone else has already said it, dont eat late in the eveinig, otherwise you will be up in the night, empting gas or poo out of the bag.
No, I wasn't in the hospital long at all. 4 days actually. larry isnt working for me... :(

I need a new name, something more fitting...can you guys help me out?
mines called fred,

nyx is called oscar.

dingbat is called cedric (i think)

whats wrong with larry? "larry the loud bummer", it has a kinda ring to it. "loud" because stomas make the most strange nosies you have ever heard. and "bummer", well thats obvious
well I forgot we had a family friend who's husband has cancer is named larry...didnt think it was appropriate, ya know?
Mine was Oliver Stoma. I kind of thought of my stoma as a pet in a way. It seemed to have a life of it's own. What about Sparky? Or Pinky? Maurice? I'll keep thinking!
Hey Jeff, Did you have a tough time adjusting playing your guitar? I still can't seem to get comfortable when I play.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
If I hadn't called mine Oscar I was going to call him in Pinky and the Brain (he looks like a little brain when he's all contracted)

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