Oh, the Exhaustion and Intestinal Pain

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May 16, 2014
I am soooooooo exhausted. I am trying to stay more active so my body can build strength, but I am whipped and it's only Monday. I just can't seem to regain strength. And the intestinal pain...it feels as if someone is playing tug-a-war with my intestines - constant burning and bruised feeling to my lower intestines and right side. To make things more interesting, I am out of sick days for the remainder of the school year.
I am always exhausted. I almost think that is worse than any of the other symptoms. I had a snow day yesterday and had a 3 hour afternoon nap. I didn't get one thing done the whole day.
I understand completely! I was asleep before 8 last night. This fatigue s so overwhelming, and my body just cramps up, aching. Not getting any relief at all with the intestines...they are so, so sore. :(
Not recently, no. I was borderline back in the fall when I had all those surgeries. Just hysicallly painful to make it through the day and I stay so sleepy. I make myself stay busy when I get home from work so that I don't sleep my life away.

I think you need to be checked out by a different doc. Your health has to come first, everything else will follow. I will talk to you any time. Unless I'm asleep...LOL

Believe in you, :ysmile:

I'd suggest getting some bloodwork tested. I was always fatigued, turns out I was low iron and Vit d3, I started taking supplements and in a few months I felt much better.
Having said that, crohns has to get controlled first and foremost and I think a healthy diet makes a huge difference too. It is difficult, I feel like we have to definitely be our own advocate and at times we have sort of detective doctor ourselves....
Wishing you luck, be proactive and search for solutions.
I can't afford to miss from work right now as I have no sick days left where I had so many medical issues last semester, so blood work would be pointless right now for me. Kinda hiding my head in the sand so to speak. My next appointment is in May, so I am trying to hold on until then, although days like today I could just cry from the pain and exhaustion. I try to eat relatively healthy. Fast food is a rare thing for me. I am cutting breads back, pastas bloat me, eating my fruits and steamed veggies, although it really doesn't matter what I eat as it seems many foods aren't friendly to the intestines anyway. Just frustrated, I miss the days when my body felt little discomfort and I had energy.

I feel for you my friend. I have been there before. You are doing the right things in my opinion. I do think that you should speak with a doc before May though. You have some troubling symptoms. I'm concerned about the damage that can be going on inside you while you wait.

At least call in to the doctors office and report the symptoms. You may be OK or you may need help. Don't gamble with your health, sometimes you can never get it back.

I'm not trying to be pushy, I actually care.

All the very best,

You could try to use Ensure as a meal replacement for about 80% of your caloric needs. It could buy you some time until you are going to seek out a Dr. It is used in pediatric crohn's to help kids reach steroid free remission. Speaking of....why not just go in and get checked and start a round of steroids?

I think you need to seek out answers. I never had anybody to inform me. I was in the hospital wasted on morphine and couldn't even figure out the decisions I was making.

I want to see you do better than I did.

I am permanently disabled and without a job. It is hard. I don't want that to happen to anybody else.

Please do whatever it takes to get your life back again.

You can always talk to me, and I will be your friend.

I like pilgrims idea of ensure for majority of caloric needs if you have to wait until may. Sometimes you intestines are in charge, they may not let you wait that long....

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