I have found that so many of the people who I used to enjoy spending time with are just plain "rude".
It is hard for a Normal person to relate to Crohn's/Ulcerated Colitis unless they have a family that have experienced it.

It would be a great paper, or essay if you want to explain your issue.
I would start off with, "I am a normal person, who eats, sleeps, plays and enjoys life just like others my age. I just have one disadvantage that most people do not have to deal with, I have a disease that there is no cure for"
I think that educating other individuals is the best way to handle your particular situation. That person just did not understand, but do not let others tell you who you are remember this:
I only have one life, I only get one chance, I will be my best
How you feel about me does not matter
I am the only person who is allowed to control my idea of self worth
I am neither a lesser being nor am I a greater being
I am just a human being
I can only be who I was created to be