Opiates and Ulcerative Colitis

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Nov 25, 2016
At 18 years of age I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis...I went to multiple specialists, had multiple colonoscopy'S and did everything these "specialists" recommended. Even spent the $1,000's on medications that just weren't helping over the next 4 years. While taking the medications and severely altering my diet to have minimal to zero dairy products, zero sugars (the -oses) and altered all of the types of bread I ate because of the wheat or grains, etc. during these 4 years I had 4 MAJOR flare ups with almost zero time of remission. During these flare-ups I was in immense pain, couldn't eat, and of course was spending at least 3 hours a day in the bathroom. I lost anywhere from 35-65 pounds in two week spans for each flare up. Keep in mind at 6'3" and 210 lb, I couldn't afford to lose that kind of weight. For 2 of the flare ups I was diagnosed with toxic-mega colon. (Meaning the inflammation was so bad that my colon was on the verge of exploding inside of me) I nearly died both times from this. Not once was I prescribed anything for pain other than what was given in the hospital. When my blood pressure was 240/65, most non-doctors would tell you there is extreme pain involved.
Then, when I was 23-24 years old, while I was in the service industry as a bartender/server I was offered a lortab (hydrocodone) and I refused it for weeks. I have never been into drugs and I don't even smoke marijuana. However, at this time I was living in Gulfport, MS and Hurricane Katrina had just hit and myself, like 80% of the rest of the city just lost everything. The restaurant I was working at was the 2nd restaurant to open after the storm but the first with a full menu that wasn't a limited menu of burgers and chicken sandwiches. Because of this, we were getting absolutely slaughtered by the amount of business coming in on a daily basis. It got to the point I could not keep up. I then, was searching for more than what a couple Red Bull could do for me. I decided to take up the offer on the lortab. Not only did I make a hell of a lot of money, but I noticed an astonishing change that night and into the morning...I wasn't in the bathroom even once nor was I in the nightly pain and discomfort of Ulcerative Colitis. However, I had not correlated that to me taking the lortab. Over the next year or year and a half, I began taking lortab almost daily. Not so much for the "high" it gave me, but because I became cognizant to the adverse reactions it gave me to the U.C. symptoms. Over those12-18 months I had gained nearly 20 lb, was finally having normal, solid and regular bowel movements. I had discontinued the use of all medications the doctors were prescribing besides the lomotil to help with any occasional diarrhea I may have had. At 26 I went into my G.I. Doctor and he was shocked at how good I looked and felt. I did not tell him what I was taking at that particular moment because I was about to have another colonoscopy and I wanted to get the results of that procedure to see just how healthy I actually was compared to how healthy I actually felt. After the procedure, I was sent home and told my Dr would call me in the morning because I did not have anyone there with me that was on my HIPPA that he could discuss the results with due to me having been under anesthesia. My roommate at the time took me home and the next morning the Dr himself called and asked me to come in to discuss the results of the colonoscopy. Of course, I was immediately nervous and scared to death of what he was going to tell me. Upon arriving to the doctors office I did not know what to expect. But, when he told me that he had never seen a colon as healthy as mine in almost any person without U.C. I was elated. He literally asked me what I had been doing different. I then told him that I was taking between 20-60 mg of hydrocodone a day for the last year and a half and discontinued the prescribed medications, he was literally speechless.
Of course, the doc became adamant that it just wasn't possible for the opiates to do such a thing and virtually "cure" me of the UC. However, I am a firm and adamant believer that opiates can and do help treat UC when not abused or misused. Why this is not something that is being more closely researched is beyond me. And if anyone knows of any GI doctors that do believe in this in the Atlanta area,PLEASE let me know.

Thanks for taking the time to read "My Story"
Thanks for your story. I wish you continued success.

I've recently been working on raising my natural feel good endorphin/opiate levels. I've been using light therapy to accomplish this. As a result my stomach condition has improved nicely. I still work on my diet also which I suspect plays a part also in the improvements seen.
At 18 years of age I Hydrocodone ABSOLUTELY cures my colitis! I am so glad to see this discussion! I am like many posters here in that the regular meds were not working. I would get some relief but I never went back to normal. The best that the typical UC drug regimes would do is stop my bleeding and get me down to 6 BMs and daily D.

I NEVER had a day that the rest of the world would consider normal.

Then I had dental surgery... From about my second Lortab I had no UC symptoms. I didn't connect it to the Lortabs at the time but I keep a really detailed food /mood/exercise/water/habits diary and have for years. I feed the data into a analytic program trying to make sense of why I get sick/sicker/sickest... Most of the time I get common sense answers; days I stress or drink less water I will bleed or be sicker, sneaking a sip of wine gets me sick, eating chocolate will put me into a flare I can't get out of easily, things I love like swordfish get me sick, etc... That is not news to UC sufferers...

Then I wrecked my knee a couple years later. A few Lortabs later I was COMPLETELY SYMPTOM FREE! I still didn't connect it to the lortabs but my data analysis program did. All the sudden I saw a new connection for a well day... It said Lortab. How weird I thought... It must be from pain relief or something. I am usually in some degree of pain but the Lortabs take it all away.

So fast forward another year. I have cosmetic surgery and get a Lortab prescription again. Two pills in my uc was cured... This time I remembered the connection and I started researching it.

I actually hate Lortabs, I hate pain killers in general but Lortabs just make me feel spacey. I usually take half or 1/4 of the prescription. Because of that I had a few extra pills to test my theory.

Sure enough, if I was taking a Lortab my UC went away. It is not from the fact that Lortab change the absorption or water in your intestines because I tried the same thing with Loperamide which is prescribed solely to change the water absorption in your intestines and while loperamide would reduce BMs I would still be bleeding and in pain. Also, the minute I stopped loperamide my UC returned. Also, I have heard people say that hydrocodone works because it slows your bowel movements down but if that was why it worked then certainly hycosycamine would cure UC and crohns for long periods of time but it doesn't. The cure from hydrocodone lies in the opioid receptors and endorphins and the cure from hydrocodone lasts long after you stop the pills, unlike any other drug. With Lortab, I could take it at bedtime and once in the day for about 7 days and live normal. If I did 14 days I would be cured for about 4 weeks after stopping. No uc drugs at all, just cured.

So I brought all my research and information to my Dr. Who, while he acknowledged he had heard of this from other patients, felt that hydrocodone is too dangerous to play with for off label prescribing. I agree, I don't get addicted to it but we have a friend who was the most normal, never done a drug in his life guy, until his knee surgery... He became addicted physically to Lortab from the second pill. It was horrible. He didn't take them for more than 90 days and he had full detox symptoms. Anyhow, I wanted the cure from hydrocodone but not the opioid.

I started to research it and I found that the cure from hydrocodone for UC may come from the endorphin receptors. Hydrocodone ties up the endorphin receptors fooling your body into making more endorphins- or at least that's one of the things it does. Low dose naltrexone does the same thing without the addictive opioid history of hydrocodone. Neuropeptides play a huge role in inflammatory bowel disease and are both present in the intestinal tract as well as regulate immune responses of both the large and small intestine. Low dose naltrexone reduces the inflammatory interlukins and has been show to CURE both UC and crohns in 24 weeks. In simple speak, low dose naltrexone does stuff that stops your body from attacking itself. All of the UC and crohns drugs on the market do not address the endorphin and opioid receptors but work on reducing white blood cells in various methods. Reducing your white blood cell count is the reason why most UC have reduced immune systems and become susceptible to other diseases.

I showed all of my stuff to my doctor but he said that low dose naltrexone being prescribed for uc is still off label and he wouldn't do it but he has referred me to a couple of physicians who work with naltrexone. Unfortunately, one is a methadone clinic for recovering users and the other is a pain management firm where they tried to get me to keep taking my Lortabs for my knee even when I said I didn't want to. (they threatened to cut off my physical therapy).

I am looking for a Doctor who is familiar with low dose naltrexone for UC as I have heard great things. If anyone e has any more tips about hydrocodone, naltrexone and UC please let me know. diagnosed with Ulcerative