sickofcrohns, thanks for the advice. I was a total ditz and forgot to be thank you. Sorry!
I don't plan to get laser treatment even though my marriage has opened up a lot of doors with the extra money because I'm getting my testicles removed soon - that'll stunt the growth of facial hair, well what little I have now anyway. And I wasn't used to wearing a bra at that point honestly, now it's comfortable enough to wear that I don't mind. I'm waiting a while yet before I get an actual set of bras because the women in my family usually have large chests for their frames and my growth breast growth has been pretty aggressive, so at this point I'd just outgrow whatever I bought. And I do knit a lot with fiancee now, it helps with my clumsiness and it's an excellent shared activity when she's too sick to get out of bed. I'm knitting one of Tom Baker's oversized scarves because I'm a big nerd. :3
This will be my first Halloween presenting as a girl and I'm super duper excited! I'm going to be Red from Transistor since I have the frame to pull it off - and even red hair! I might post pictures if I get up the courage, the costume I'm working on is going to be the shortest cut dress/skirt I've ever worn so that makes me super duper nervous. One of my friends has been seriously trying to drag me into the world of cosplay and honestly it's hard to resist - I love making things and I think I could enjoy wearing them, I guess how Halloween goes will be the real test.
R's just started taking her possibly Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor (for future reference I'm going to call them Luma and Iva) possibly sugar pills and it's wayyy too early to tell but I swear she's coughing less and that excites me quite a bit. I'd be amazing if she didn't get placebo. She's already one of the brightest, most energetic women I've ever met and the idea of her having all the energy she's using up hacking herself to death everyday or battling severe respiratory infections (and giving them to me) could lead to so much for her, for us, for her career, not mention extend her projected lifespan by decades. Hell, there's so many little things too, sleeping through the night consistently, all the inhalers and pill bottles off the nightstand so we don't have to worry about Lithium knocking them over, or not having a random ten minute hacking fit when we snuggle.
Gonna miss her skin tasting like salt though, maybe she can get it in lipstick.