Ostomy and Clothing

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Nov 12, 2008
my hope is that this thread will help settle some fears of people are searching the net for ostomy and stoma information.
for me, my main concern was what it was actually going to LOOK like, so im thinking theres others out there with the same worries.

all the times that i was researching ostomies and stomas prior to surgery i could NEVER find pictures of what a stoma looked like underneath clothes. all pics i could find were of the stoma itself of what the appliance looked like. that was helpful in its own way, but what i truly cared about was what this thing was gonna look like to OTHER people on a daily basis.

so i have taken a few pics of me and my stoma :)
ive used two different shirts and two different types of pants to give an idea of how it shows through.
the yellow one is a thin form fitting tee with the grey tank top underneath. then i have on the grey tank by itself (its stretchy cami type tank top)

granted--my pouch is mostly empty in these pics. a little bit is in there, you can kinda see it pulling down in the last pic. but when the pouch is fuller, it is much more noticeable ok? go empty it and itll be invisible again!
in addition-- this is just MY personal experience of course. everyones stomas are a bit different so everyones will show in a different way i think.

so to anyone who might be getting a little nubber of their own soon :), i hope this makes the prospect a little easier for you to at least have an idea of what an "ostomate" looks like to the public eye.

oh and the photography is terrible, just like all my other pics on here lol! sorry

Can you find it?

Here it is! pointing directly at my stoma

side view

tank by itself

closer up

with jeans (these are low rise style- yes you CAN wear low rise jeans with your ostomy)

heres how it fits- i tuck the bag in and then pull it out so it folds over a bit

edit: duh, big white bandage^ is for my midl-line wound. that wont be on there soon (i hope). thats not part of a normal ostomy setup.

all the front view pics were taken in the mirror, thats why my stoma looks like its on my left side, but its actually on my right side, as you can see in the last one which was taken without the mirror.
just figured i should explain why its sometimes on my left and sometimes on the right hah!
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Thanks Kelly. I have to admit, I've been very curious how it looks under clothes and such. I don't have one, but I'm still curious about it and how it works in an everyday life. I'm surea lot of people will be very happy to see someone showing pics like this! Nicely done Kelly.
Great thread Kelly.

I think this is one the things people fear the most.
That it will be visable under clothing.

I've started to buy trousers that are a size bigger than I need. That way, I can leave the waistline above my pouch.
It's working out for me, because my abdomen is still very swollen and distended (sp?).
Actually, I think the swelling is permanant at this stage, even after surgery, when I had lost 50lbs, I was quite thin but I still had a swollen belly!!!!

I've gone back to my original weight now.

Again, great thread Kelly. Hopefully this will help other prospectve ostimites. :)
bah i had that tummy swelling as well dan. well, still do in fact.
i posted this somewhere else: from the side view i almost look a bit preggo!
i was hoping that it would decrease in noticeability as i put on more pounds or something. why does it DO that? is it just how the body reacts to being cut open?
i hope yours isnt permanent, i forget how far are you post op? maybe it still has time to go down
excellent idea for a thread Kello!

this is one of the major worries that people have when they're facing stoma surgery, or have just had one. so thank you so much on behalf of anyone who, in the future, might just pop in here and get much needed reassurance :)

i also tend to buy one size bigger in jeans/combats so that the waistband isn't digging in the wrong places or squashing anything i don't want squashed lol

can i just add that there are online ostomy clothing companies, which are very useful for anyone struggling with their clothing after surgery.. particularly for underwear. there are many different designs available, especially for those ladies who want to wear something a bit special but concealing the appliance.
Kello - If I didn't know you had an ostomy, I certainly would not be able to tell it from those pictures! Thanks for sharing that with us.
It looks great with clothes on! You wouldn't even know if you hadn't showed me. I have heard that you can control your stoma after awhile and just wear a big bandaid as a nurse I learned that you can irrigate them like if you
were going to the beach or pool get all the surrounding intestine clean and then just wear a big bandaid. I know this maybe wishful thinking but I have heard from some patients this themselves. I guess it depends where the ostomy is and I think the longer you have the stoma the better it is to control. Do you have access to a wound or ostomy nurse at your hospital or Drs. Office. I hope this helps you.
Good job Kell! A very helpful thread for some who may be looking at this option. Haha - great caption - "Can you find it?" I couldn't in the first pic!
Hey beth,

Irrigation can only work with colostomies. I believe that kello (and dan and I) all have ileostomies, which unfortunately cannot be irrigated.

With clothes, I have also taken to getting pants that are a little bigger and fit above the stoma (just more comfy for me...). I am fairly confident that no one has ever independently noticed my bag and I can wear most things...:p
yup erins right, we all have ileos so irrigation isnt an option for us. the poo just keeps comin out!

kromom & mbh- i know, right? i realized yesterday that you can barely even SEE the thing! thats what prompted me to make this thread.

ALL of those clothes are ones that i wore pre surgery, and they look just fine! i thought i was gonna have to get rid of all of my little slim fit tees and tanks!
but its true people, you do not have to get a whole new wardrobe to "accomodate" your ostomy. you dont have to wear looser clothes at all, though you may choose to based on your own comfort.

ive gone out and bought a few shirts that are uhh bubbly style? ha lol i dont know the word, but that way i have some that totally cover it up and dont even have to worry if i want
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hahahah sharon!!
lmao looking back at them it really does look like im the headless person.
nah, its not permanent. unless i decide i like it i guess, but i dont. hah!
the ET nurse told me to wear it ALL the time while my belly's a mess with all the wounds to help hold the pouch on. since i dont have much surface area of the sticky part near my bellybutton (due to the mid line wound) to support the weight of the pouch, the belt helps hold down the baseplate and skin barrier.
well, idk if it helps or not, but i just do what she says. its an easy enough precaution.
all leaks ive ever had have been from that side, towards my middle. so annoying!
Great thread, Kelly.
I have been particularly paranoid the past night or so about what I've been wearing with my stoma. I tend to wear tight fitted t-shirts.
If I didn't know you had a stoma, I wouldn't be able to notice at all :)
Just remember that if you have a clip on the bottom of the bag to use a rubber band or some sort of extra hold on the clip i had mine bust open once or twice. One time in a club, on the dance floor.... would hate to have seen the person that had to clean that.... need less to say i went home right then.
hey ive actually been wondering about that....where did you put the rubber band?
did you have the hollister clips? theyre only about as wide as the end of the pouch is....if that makes sense. so theres not really a space to put the band

oo god im glad you left right away. that would be so embarrasing to explain that one.
mine were kinda like, i guess you could say one of those big paper cutter things. where top part clamps down into the bottom part, the clip part went into the bottom part and you had to push it to the side and pull up to open it. So i placed a rubberband around the end and wrapped it a few times to keep it closed. the braces ones worked best because of the small size took less looping.
Kello this is one of the greatest threads on the net! I don't have a stoma yet, but have been severly worried about the visual part of it.
I hope I can outlast this damn disease, and I feel sometimes I've simply bought time. If (when) I need something surgical, I hope it's not a choice of what's available today. To me it's more than just covering it up under clothes, but I'm odd like that. I envy others who are okay with how they look, and then get a bag, and are still okay with it. I don't know why I'm even talking about it right now, other than the fact I've had a bad couple days symptom-wise and emotional wise, and I'm obsessing about worst case scenario, which for me is a bag...so of course I have to jump to conclusions when I get pessimistic.
Personally, I don't feel it.

I wouldn't even know I have one.
There is no feeling. it's there, but you wouldn't know.
the ony time you feel it is when your "farting" and then it just makes a noise. you can touch the stoma , to clean it, and that dont hurt it, though you shoudnt be too rough with it as i found it can bleed.

i wouldnt be without my fred (stoma)

sharon xx
Nope you don't feel the stoma itself. My skin around the stoma is a little messed up, so I feel that...but thats because my skin is apparently prone to yeast infections. Oh fun.

BWS...speaking as a fellow mid-twentier...the bag was my biggest fear for a long time too. But then I got really sick, got fistulas so bad they caused skin infections so painful I couldn't walk/sleep/do anything, and just felt miserable all the time. It was then I realized the only thing I feared more then the bag was losing my entire life.

Now I feel so much better. I even went swimming in the ocean last week! I'm not saying a bag is right for you (obviously)...but I wouldn't put it at the top of your list of greatest fears. You may worry about how it would make you look, but I think there's nothing like being at a healthy weight and being able to do fun things to make you feel better about the way you look!
hi kello!
great thread!!!
i do have an ileostomy too, and this summer I went to swimming pool, wearing a little bag, an only piece kind, and nobody could notice my ostomy under my suit :)
Hiya Dany, welcome to he forum.

I've been swimming a lot since my Ileostomy.
I wear a slightly bigger pair of swimming shorts. I keep them up high on my waist line, no one ever sees the pouch while I walk about.
The shorts tend to creep down while I'm in the water, but I pull them back up before I get out.

My leisure centre has open showers, this is the only time that I feel slightly uncomfortable. I tend to use one of the showers at the wall and just face that way. Then, grab my towel and cover my pouch.

If I put on my shirt first, It hides the pouch to allow me to put on the rest of my clothes.

All in all, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I've never once had anyone stare at me or make any comment.
i do take shower with the suit on :)
obviously i wear a tank suit but maybe i could try a pair of swimming shorts for men....
Awesome post. Have ever considered working with new ostomy patients? I bet you could inspire a lot of people.
well, it could be a very good idea, but maybe my ostomy is too young yet, it's only since january, maybe i'd need more experience....
wow sorry havent been back to this thread in a while...glad you all find it helpful!!

i have more ideas in the works to add so COMING SOON will be:

-clothing styles that help to actually camoflauge the pouch but are still totally cute and fashionable :)
i mean im all for just throwing on a tight, even sheer, tank and not caring who can see my little bump, but for days when you are going to be out for a long time and the bag may be quite full by the time you get to empty, its nice to not have to worry about how full it gets (in regards to looks). i have a ton of shirts that can conceal even a totally full pouch...will post soon!
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This thread is great, way to get out there and show people the things that doctors and nurse don't tell you. I have a silly question for you though; are there any noises when the waste is passed into the bag? Like a splash or a plop? Just curious more than anything :)
No noise at all seaofdreams.
all the waste slides down the side of the pouch, and there isn't usually that much at one time. It's normally just small amounts.

There can be a very funny "Fart" noise sometimes though when gas is expelled. :lol2:
No control whatsoever. :lol2:

But I can place my hand over the pouch to muffle the sound. generally that works fine.
i use to have fun with mine and people that knew what the deal was would laugh when it "talked".... was kinda a mood killer when you were trying to be intimate and it "Spoke up" but you learn to laugh it off....
Shantel said:
Kello - you are the BOMB. I have only been on the site like a little over a week, but I have to tell you how SUPER impressed I am with you. You just seem to have no fear or hangups about this disease.....ushering us all along to share stuff! Kudos to you!!!

thanks shantel :)
it always means so much to me to hear stuff like that.
ohh baby i have my fears and hangups ALL the time, but then when i step back and really look at them? they seem so little and stupid! i try to keep them in their place. try being the key word hahah
seaofdreams said:
This thread is great, way to get out there and show people the things that doctors and nurse don't tell you. I have a silly question for you though; are there any noises when the waste is passed into the bag? Like a splash or a plop? Just curious more than anything :)

haha not a silly question at all but definitly funny! ive discovered that pretty much anything that has to do with stomas is hilarious. i have no idea why, the way they look? sound? wiggle around? hahah i dont freakin know! but everything is so funny

ok yeah danman covered your 'silly' question, heh. no splash or plop noise, just little fart noises sometimes :) the plops that you hear from normal poos are due to their size, poos that come from stomas are little bits at a time.
and yup, when my stoma starts to make noise i just put my hand over it and its not audible anymore, usually covering the stoma stops the fart anyways.

the trick is just getting people around you to see the sillyness in it too. im camping this week with 7 people (2 of my fam, and 4 other family) and i just told them all that when it farts its just saying hello. or complaining about something LOL
so whenever there was a fartlike noise from anywhere theyre all like "was that it?? was it talking?!" lol! i actually got them on the edges of their seat just WAITING for a fart! so funny. and stoma never even farted for them, after all that lol
allright i got the swimsuit pics done! sorry markie i didnt need any help ;)

ok and i feel like a big **** posting this......:(
but i really do want lil girls who come on here afraid of their ostomy and feeling ugly to see that they can still go to the pool/beach and feel great!

this is one i bought, ugh im so mad at myself cause i had bought another style that worked but then returned it when i found this one...so i wish i had taken pics of it first but ah well.
ok this style is called a 'monokini', freakin weird name but w/e. anyways in trying on all the swim stuff this style usually worked really well and also tankinis were great too!


again, im pointing right at where my app is, not pointing at the stoma, more at where the flange ring is. my setup is pretty complex atm, so mine shows quite a bit more than a normal setup would i think.
you can see on my left the tape sticking out a bit and on my right the pain patch shows a little. when i knew i was gonna be swimming for real i used more care in placing the tape and stuff so that it would be hidden.
i also put on a lock and roll bag for swimming cause the clip is really obnoxious and shows a lot.
i think a one piece system would be almost invisible! but that wasnt really an option for me.
just fyi though.


theres the back. sweet right?! its like a bikini so you can still be all young and cool and not have to wear a granny one piece LOL but it gives you coverage on the tummy where we need it!

edit: frick. i feel so neked. and WHITEY holy crap....
/me embarrased.
takin one for the team here people.....
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Very cool Kello. I think everybody is very impressed with you and how you've handled all you've been through. It is also very helpful for people to see how they can wear clothes and still be 'normal' with a bag. Very cool. Can't wait to see whats next!! :)
aw thanks miss :)

YAY i discovered that my mom DIDNT return the other style swimsuit yet!
still have it, so i will take pics to post before i take it back.
im so excited because i reall wanted to show more than just one workable style
will be on soon!...
with clothes

kelly ,
thanks soooo much. i have been looking at pictures all day and was happy to see what it looked like under clothing. i probably will need one within the next year i have been able to manage my crohns for almost 20 years but my fistula is really causing problems. your post made me feel much better. i'm ready but have so many questions and on course have some anxiety issues. i know i will probably feel much better when it is all over. thanks again...you look great!:smile:
kello82 said:
allright i got the swimsuit pics done! sorry markie i didnt need any help ;)

ok and i feel like a big **** posting this......:(
but i really do want lil girls who come on here afraid of their ostomy and feeling ugly to see that they can still go to the pool/beach and feel great!

this is one i bought, ugh im so mad at myself cause i had bought another style that worked but then returned it when i found this one...so i wish i had taken pics of it first but ah well.
ok this style is called a 'monokini', freakin weird name but w/e. anyways in trying on all the swim stuff this style usually worked really well and also tankinis were great too!


again, im pointing right at where my app is, not pointing at the stoma, more at where the flange ring is. my setup is pretty complex atm, so mine shows quite a bit more than a normal setup would i think.
you can see on my left the tape sticking out a bit and on my right the pain patch shows a little. when i knew i was gonna be swimming for real i used more care in placing the tape and stuff so that it would be hidden.
i also put on a lock and roll bag for swimming cause the clip is really obnoxious and shows a lot.
i think a one piece system would be almost invisible! but that wasnt really an option for me.
just fyi though.


theres the back. sweet right?! its like a bikini so you can still be all young and cool and not have to wear a granny one piece LOL but it gives you coverage on the tummy where we need it!

edit: frick. i feel so neked. and WHITEY holy crap....
/me embarrased.
takin one for the team here people.....
you are the best! thanks for sharing. you are making me feel so much better already
great thread

Kello keep it up . i just had some surgery to put another drain in my fistula yesterday and it is just a matter of tim e. my quality of life is getting worse and i play alot of tennis. this is what i needed today. you r great:)

this is EXACLTY why i wanted to do this thread! i so wanted girls in the potential pre-ostomy stage (or guys ;)) to know the real deal and feel better about it!

ah :D you dont know how happy this makes ME to know that it even takes the tinest edge off of the worry :):)
you just made MY day hun!
New to the site... actually found it by doing a search for pics of ostomies, as I will be getting mine this summer.

Very awesome and thoughtful of you to make such a thread, Kello. Being a nurse as well as a Crohn's patient, I pretty much knew what it was going to look like, but when it is actually going to happen to you, the uncertainty starts to set in, lol.

Thanks so much for sharing your pics, Kello
:) :)
it makes me SO happy to hear everytime someone finds this thread by searching. SO happy, thats exactly what i had hoped for it

hi silvermoon and welcome :)

if you wanna post your story in the "my story" section wed love to hear.
and plus you will get a proper welcome :D
theres a bunch of members with ostomies here who got me thru my own surgery and getting used to a stoma and such. lots of good expereinces and info from everyone!

thanks for posting here :) it means so much to know that my expereinces have been able to help you and others. really, that helps ME a lot lol
I am soooo going to post a pic of me in my super-sexy bathing suit!!! Sorry that my bod is not super-sexy like kello's is....lol Just a warning to hide your eyes! lol
OMG nyx post it!!!

sexy, oh god, *blushes*, but thanks =]

ive been meaning to do some new clothing pics too....like the clothes i wear that disguise even a full pouch....those banded hem tops are EVERYWHERE right now, good time to have a stoma!
No kidding!!! I got a lovely dress from Victoria's Secret that hides everything, and is the most comfortable thing ever!!! And, still makes you feel sexy :) That's the most important part, in my opinion :)
Nyx said:
I am soooo going to post a pic of me in my super-sexy bathing suit!!! Sorry that my bod is not super-sexy like kello's is....lol Just a warning to hide your eyes! lol

LOL! I tend to wear jeans and a T most days, and not usually a form-fitting T either... never felt brave enough lol :redface: , but yeah, seeing Kello in those pics made me feel TONS better about what I do wear... won't have to change much at all!!

And so awesome that you guys feel comfortable wearing form fitting T's and bathing suits! WOOT!! You go, girls!! :allright: (I know, that was terribly cheesy, but meh!... LOL... I like the head-bobbin' dude!! LOL>

*Silver bops her head*)
Great thread! I too like so many others always wondered how it would appear in clothing and you can't tell at all! I am a nurse and used to work on an abdominal surgery floor and have taken care of so many patients that had ostomies placed. I only ever got to see them in hospital gowns though....its great to see the "after the hospital" part of it too!
Yeah, this thread is awesome. What's interesting is up until I was diagnosed I didn't even know it was possible to wear a poop bag! ;) Thanks for being so brave everyone who has had ostomy surgery and shared your story with us. I think it's great how much I've been able to learn about this disease from joining the forum.
I know this is an old thread, but just wanted to say thanks Killo for posting this! After my swelling went down, I found i can wear almost anything too! This thread would have been so helpful to me had i seen it before my surgery, but even now it makes me happy to see a pretty girl like you showing the rest of us how it is done! I haven't tried swimming yet, but I bought two suits with the runching in front and I can't wait to try it this summer. Thanks again Killo! You are amazing!!!
awww shucks....thanks guys =]
im glad that i can help you guys like serioulsy, theres nothing like knowing that your experience has helped someone else, to lift your mood you know?
luv yall!

SO in my twitter page huntings i came across this vid on the C3life page thingy.
this guy named dennis did this vid!

they said i could post it here, so now theres some specifics for you guys out there.
i LOVE the trick he shows at the end, has a great idea for how to wear it under a shirt you need to tuck in, like dress clothes and such.
I got my first ostomy when I was 13 and because I was on prednisone at the time I had to wear loose clothing same with my second.My 3rd one though I was 56lbs but I still ended up wearing looser clothes because I was use to it.I started feeling comfortable with low rise and that when I hit 98lbs and meet my husband then finacee.I guess its true when they say if you have someone who is willing to look on the insde rather then the outside you feel better about yourself.I remember the first time my husband had seen it.He was in the ARMY so we had been dating online for three months and he knew I had an ostomy.He came home a week before he deployed to Iraq to meet me.I asked him if he wanted to see my ostomy and he said sure.I don't if people know the Wrestler Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock but my husband does the whole eyebrow thing and when he seen it thats exactly what he did along with saying the words"Okay thats Different,WAS NOT EXCEPTING THAT!LOL.He proposed to me 3 days after.We got married less then a year later on his R&R to which a week before he had finally seen what a stoma really looked like.Again he was in shock because he thought it was hole in my stomach and then found out that it was actually intestine sticking out some.He always that when we said that was what it was.Amazingly we still got married.I am so happy to have a man who stomach all that in only the 2 weeks we actually seen each other but almost year of being together.We have been married 2 years and sadly my husband has gotten a lot of s**t from people in his unit for marrying me with my medical problems but he still has stayed me through thick and thin and we are blessed to have adopted a beautiful baby girl.I know I have gained wieght I am now 171 because i was placed back on prednidone I am out of remission so much.I am allergic to all the adhesives on the bags so it always leaks but I make the best of it.Again i wear loose clothing but my husband doesn't mind and thats all that matters to me.But once I get back to 125 where I am suppose to be maybe I will go back to the low rise jeans and tank tops.i know I loved wearing coveralls.LOL.My stomach is so badly scarred from the 15 surgeries I have had that I still have to wear somewhat of a loose top because they rise up so badly.
Finally...here it is...I know you've been waiting with bated breath!! Pics of me in my new bathingsuit! Be warned however, that I don't have the sexy bod that kello does :)

In the first pic I'm pointing to where Oscar is; in the second one you can kind of see the bump where he is (he's very poofy most of the time!!); and the third one is just a full shot of me making faces at my camera...lol

Hope I didn't burn to many people's eyeballs out....lol

Thanks for starting this thread kello! It's been very helpful to me, and will hopefully be for others too :)


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love it!!! girl you are cute, rockin that low cut top :D

that suit is perfect for oscar too, that it has that little tie/rouching detail right over him.


@viv's mom: thats a great story! im so glad that your man loves you for who you are :)
I like the bathing suit too, Cindy! Very sexy and sophisticated. Seriously...if I didn't know you I wouldn't know there was anything different under there, haha!
Thanks for sharing those links Joan...I'm loving the Vanilla Blush stuff!!
YES i caught wind of that news story on twitter, very cool! am loving this girl, and the woman who founded vblush. awesome ladies!

HAHAHahahah those jean diapers crack me up!
This is my favorite thread on here!! I want to see how it looks w/ negligee.lol...no really I do.
So I went swimming this weekend for the first time with my stoma and it was awesome! So freeing. Also, even though there was a tiny bump I could see, I’m absolutely sure that no one else would notice it and I felt great in my swimsuit. I had my husband take a picture for all of you to see how well a stoma can be hidden even in a ladies swimsuit and I will post it tonight. Seeing Cindy’s and Kelly’s swimsuit pictures really helped me when I first got my ostomy.

I had no problems at all with the appliance either. I find that as long as you put medical tape all around the edges of the appliance wafer, there are never any problems getting it wet.
Thanks Cindy! I was really proud of myself actually. It’s hard enough to go into public in a swimsuit even without an ostomy. However, I really felt like it was an important step for me. It’s just too bad I wasn’t brave enough until the end of summer!

My biggest problem was that I bought my swimsuit back when I was still sick and hadn’t gained all of this weight. It was a bit of a squeeze LOL! If I still have my stoma next year, I am definitely not going to be shy about getting into the pool. It felt so good. :)
Oh wow Nicole! Good on you! I'm so happy for you YAY................


So proud and in awe of you, :)
You go girl!!! I feel the same way with my cyrrent skin condition....it kind of grosses ME out - so showing it off to others is not on my agenda! Thankfully my Mom has a pond that we use for swimming - so no worries about showing off to anyone...it is even suit optional! lol
Kello!!! Did I ever tell you, you amaze me!! You are such an inspiration! (((Hug))) I'm not there...yet...But, I'm always lurking, to see who I talk to when it happens...Sue
You go girl!!! You look fantastic!!! Can't even tell what side your stoma is on....you're soooo cute!!
Ha ha! I think you and I posted at the same time Cindy. :)

Thanks a lot. Actually, I think my picture looks a lot like yours...except your ****s are bigger! LOL!

I was so proud of myself for going out like that in public. Truthfully, I'm sure no one could see the stoma at all. :)
Oh, and if anyone is wondering, my stoma is on the right side of my body, or the opposite side of the tattooed wrist.
Yep, Nicole you've reinforced it!!! Dusty can have her wounds and scars!!! This is still my favorite thread!!! Do not think twice about wearing that out in public!!! Woot!! woot!!!
Totally cute!! I love the bathing suit and I would not ever guess you had a stoma. I can't even tell where it is in the pictures.

Good for you :) Love your look too - so classic!

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