Pain ? 3 weeks post op....

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Dec 8, 2011

I am 3 weeks post-op( ileostomy, colon removed completely over 9 feet long ) and the pain is still pretty bad...
it seems to have moved though its now on the right where my stoma is and in the back real strong on the right :( I still take pain meds in the morning and @ bed time. I am trying not to but the pain is so bad I cant stand long at all.

Does anyone else have pain this long after surgery?? Shouldnt it be gone by now?

Thanks for any answers :)
Hi Liz,

I had what was likely a less stressful surgery on the body (small intestine resection laparoscopically) and I know that I felt some pain for a good month after the surgery. I did not require medication to deal with the pain though.

Do you have a follow up appointment with the surgeon or any other doctor? They would likely be the best source of telling you want is normal pain after the surgery.

Best of luck with your continued recovery!
Hi Liz,

I had what was likely a less stressful surgery on the body (small intestine resection laparoscopically) and I know that I felt some pain for a good month after the surgery. I did not require medication to deal with the pain though.

Do you have a follow up appointment with the surgeon or any other doctor? They would likely be the best source of telling you want is normal pain after the surgery.

Best of luck with your continued recovery!

I saw him last week and had the stitches removed from the drain tube they removed the week before.... I had been hospitalized again 5 days the week before that so I have seen them A LOT so they have me coming back in 3 weeks now.

His partner told me in the hospital I should have no pain by 2 weeks but I dont by it this is a big surgery.... I had a small incision about 1.5 inches they started laprascopic but my colon was so large they couldnt get it out and had to cut a bit bigger.... then I have the 2 little incisions from the scopes and the drain hole one... that actually looks the worst but I had a awful time with that thing and they had to restitch it and I swear I was allergic to the tubing?

Thanks for replying :)
Hi Lizz
I'm just under five weeks post op - and my pain has finally subsided.
I still have little niggles - more annoyances than anything else.
Before the last few days though - I found it very painful to sit - could only be in a laying down kinda position. Standing up involved sliding and a kind of hobble. Rolling over hurt too. Still a bit ouchy at night time.
I hope your pain passes and you feel better soon.
I hope you feel better to .... sitting and getting up and down I am ok.... standing long and sitting against my back I cant do :( my stoma aches in a way its weird hope I am not getting a hernia all ready sighhh.....
And I have this terrible stomach ache the past 2 days drives me nuts :(
I get a little burning type sensation on the RHS where I split my stitches.
It's still a bit open woundish.
Sometimes I swear my actual stoma hurts even though it has no nerve endings!
And I accidentally pooped my pants yesterday!! From a bloody pooper that's been disconnected.
I feel like I am getting very close to pain free.
Not quite there yet - but closer every day ....
It's been a year and I have pain but mine is from my inflamation in my colon. I think it's normal to have that much pain because you had major surgery and now your body is adjusting to new wiring:) I've had 3 c-sections and I was up and at em the very next day not even. I had this ileo surgery and my body felt like someone used me as a punching bag. I remember about 3 days after procedure I tried to get up and start moving. My body just past out from the pain and hit my face on the wall as I went down and passed out right on the hospital floor. I was trying to be tough and push my body.. That shocked me more than the procedure. Every ones body is different. So if you need relief I wouldnt worry about at all. As long as everything is working as it should. GL
It's been a year and I have pain but mine is from my inflamation in my colon. I think it's normal to have that much pain because you had major surgery and now your body is adjusting to new wiring:) I've had 3 c-sections and I was up and at em the very next day not even. I had this ileo surgery and my body felt like someone used me as a punching bag. I remember about 3 days after procedure I tried to get up and start moving. My body just past out from the pain and hit my face on the wall as I went down and passed out right on the hospital floor. I was trying to be tough and push my body.. That shocked me more than the procedure. Every ones body is different. So if you need relief I wouldnt worry about at all. As long as everything is working as it should. GL

Thanks everyone...
Marie I AGREE its totally different surgery... this was my SIXTEENTH surgery and the hardest ever. I didnt think after that many I would take it so hard but boy has it been but of course I was small and sick BEFORE hand 95lbs.... and then went to 89lbs :( I am also having the heart rate issues.

As for the stoma hurting I feel that way too :( I disagree it cant hurt I think if the bag is to tight around it you can hurt and I have been trying to make mine tighter to help with the rash,,, since I had leaks getting under :(
I didnt think you could cut off circulation but my nurse says you can ...scarey