Pain after Colonoscopy

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Jun 21, 2010
Well, I had my first Colonoscopy (The last one I was asleep when I was a child). I'm 19 now.

I was pretty nervous really, just though thought it more than anything. Well it got too it, I was laying down on my side, given the sedation. And they went on with the procedure, the sedation didn't seem to work but it was cool. And it was pretty uncomfortable but it was ok, and then I started to get terrible wind inside but I was biting my teeth and told them and said it's getting quite bad, and then she went further with the tube and it was really bad and I said can you please not go further yet as it's getting unbearable. And she said to the staff, "can you hold him still please" completely ignored me, and went further and I was in serious pain. I've got a high pain threshold, I train in MMA/Cage fighting and been punched and kicked in the head. And she went even further! I sat up slightly but they held me down, i didn't want to move cos it oculd mess things up but she kept going further and then i went drip white apparantely and started sweating and my eyes flickered cos of the intense pain, and she carried on!

What's that about? seriously. They tell me to let them know if it's uncomfortable, and I did and she persisted.

Well it was just a check up as I'm having no Crohn's symptoms, been off meds and had no symptoms for 5 years and now all of a sudden I feel a dull pain where my last operation was and it feels just like Crohn's!

Hey bobby

Omg im shitting it about mine now in 2 weeks lol youve just put the fear back in me, they are really uncomfortable mine got so uncomfortable and painful i said to the man if you push that any further im going to slap you and all he said was sedate her more lol, if your pain is still the same and doesent calm down in the next few days i would call your GI or see your doctor maybe they took biopsys where your crohns was and its irritated the area. Hope you find some relief soon x

Haha, I'm sorry. It was completely fine till that point - so nothing to worry about! Haha.

Oh and to top it all off the sedation kicked in afterwards, I was out if it hahaha!

Ok, I'll see how it goes. I didn't want to get the test done as it was, I'm showing no symptoms I'm adding on weight/muscle which shouldn't be viable with a flare-up - so if they brought my crohn's back I'm not going to be happy!
A doctor that does not listen to me,especially if I was in pain, would not be a doctor of mine for long.
Bobby, I am really sorry that happened. That is NOT the way it is supposed to be and very unneccessary. You should be OUT for a colonoscopy and have zero pain. Change doctors!

On the other glad to hear about your no symptoms! My 17 yr old daughter was just diagnosed so I am looking for stories like yours to encourage me. What has been your treatment plan since diagnosed? Meds?
Wow, I'm so sorry! I've had the same experience, and that witch of a doctor seriously traumatized me.

Yeah, definitely time for a new doctor! Besides being sadistic, if she won't listen to you what's the point?

Next time be sure to ask for general anesthesia; several of the posters here recommended it to me. You have to ask for it in advance because the GI has to get an anesthesiologist.

I told my doctor my previous experience and he was happy to do general anesthesia-they gave me propofol and I had no side effects at all. I had my last colonoscopy 3 weeks ago with it and it was a breeze-I just fell asleep and when I woke up it was over. Awesome!
Definitely ask for anesthesia! Jeannette described it perfectly. You wake up feeling like you never had a colonoscopy at all.

Sorry that it sucked though!

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