Painful joints...

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Jul 16, 2011
painful joints...


Does anyone else suffer from painful joints (I'm not sure if this is a Crohns thing or not) but it feels like someone has taken a baseball bat to my knees.
Last week it was my ankle.

Anything that helps?

I think almost all of us suffer from joint pains. It is one of the more common extracolonic problems we face. Also, I noticed my pains were far more severe while on prednisone.

I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis around 6 years ago. I have found that glucosamine really helps.

I know how bad you must be feeling, and hope it's over soon. :) Be well!
Jessi is right, I have had joint pain of one sort or another over the year as well. What I have been experiencing within the last two to six months is the sort of joint pain you are describing. It migrates from joint to joint, one day the knee, then the ankle, then the elbow, left and then right. My wrists and now my fingers and of all things the skin in my head. When I move my scalp it feels like one large piece and hurts. Now this is different than any other previous joint pain I have ever had. It was always tolerable, up till now. The big difference in my life is that I am on Remicade and the pain has increased in the last two months. I am to have blood taken after my next infusion on Friday to see if I am reacting to the biologic drug. The doctor gave me Ketorolac 10 mg to combat the pain from the joints. It takes the edge off, but the joint pain is still there. Have to watch that drug to, it will damage the stomach. I am playing the waiting game. What medications are you taking for your guts? It is very likely Crohn's causing it, but it could be the medication aggravating what you already have. Definitely tell you doctor.:hang:
Have you tried glucosamine (it may be different in the US)? I've given it a go and my shoulder joint seems better, could be placebo but I'm willing to try anything if it helps.
Before my joints started to act up as they are now, I took Glocosamine. I believe it helped. My doctor recommends that I take the combined pills with chondroitin sulfate and methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM. It depends on the packaging, it's all good for the joints. I still do take them, however things aren't quite the same. I take 1000 mg a day.
I to have joint pains even though I am in remission. I am not sure why but some days I will also feel like someone took a baseball bat to my knees. Ive even woken up with a bruise or two not knowing where they have come from. Even if I don't do anything. Maybe it has to do with something your body is lacking. I havn't asked my doc about it, I don't want anymore pills!
I have joint pain as well as restless leg sydrome, I honestly think it's from all the meds as well as our bodies not getting the proper nutrition that we need as food can go right through most of us. I haven't been told this by anytype of medical proffesional I'm just grabbing at straws. Good luck
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your replies. Saw my GP at the end of last week, got told my joint pain is from coming off prednisolone, I ran out of tablets when I was on 20mg and apparently shouldn't have stopped taking them!


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