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Jan 20, 2011

Until recently I had only 'tried' Cannabis 3 times, and that was decades ago.

My Cannabis story: I decided to acquire some to see if would work for my Crohn's. I used it for a little while... I started having what I would describe as panic attacks, and high anxiety... I did not now that Cannabis could be the culprit, but in doing some research on 'it'; it seems that some people have this response, so I stopped smoking.

After stopping, my psychosis issue seemed to improve. I tried smoking again, and within a couple of days I was having what I would describe as 'anxiety-issues' again, and stopped before they became worse.

My Cannabis question: I feel that it helped with some of my symptoms, and was a benefit to my Crohn's (not a be-all-end-all magic pill, but a benefit). Does anyone know that if it is my chemical make-up that is causing this and Cannabis is a no-go for me, or is it the particular 'type' I have/use?

Not that it would be easy for me to 'acquire' a different type, but I am curious if it is worth me trying to find a particular one. I am afraid that my current psychological reaction, from my current 'stash', will prevent me from being able to use it.

Yes I would say it could be the type. I dont know much more then that.
I would agree with the possibility that it could be due to the particular 'strain' you are using... I am a long-term, regular cannabis user, and sometimes I find a particular bag I pick up will make me more paranoid than usual. It could also do with how much you are smoking. Maybe this particular bag you have only requires one or two puffs instead of an entire bowl or joint. Weed is a LOT stronger than it was decades ago.
Your feelings of paranoia/anxiety, are they just present while you are stoned, or you find you still have these feelings even after the effects of the pot have worn off??
If you are having panic attacks while stoned, try to start by smoking up in a comfortable, relaxing environment. Have a nice big glass of water on hand, listen to some relaxing music, or have something funny on the TV. Lie down, try to fall asleep if you're feeling anxious.

On the other hand, it very well could be a possibility that cannabis just doesn't agree with you... It might be worth buying a small quantity of another type, and giving that a go. Good luck!
There are some types make me very emotion and others keep me up. I say try some different stuff. I don't think your having a reaction because you didn't before
I know a lot of people who have the same issue. The strain could be an issue, if it's Sativa based, it'll be more of a cerebral high that may contribute to it. But I've never had either the paranoia or Sativa so I can't really say for certain.
Pot never made me paranoid. It could be the strain. One question do you for any reason feel guilty or ashamed for using it? I know some people grow up with inhibitions instilled in them from their upbringing so could it be that you associate negative feelings with pot and therefore when you do it you feel bad or think the cops are going to bust down your door or something? :)
I used to be a very regular user of pot, not for any medical reasons, just to get high when I was like, 16.
Sometimes, I would get extremely paranoid, and feel like I was acting SO weird, like everyone was looking at me and thinking horrible things. This usually only happened when I was at a party. When I smoked it at home, or with my best friend, I was fine. I also found that if the pot was very dry, it magnified this problem.
The strain could very well be the issue. If you're getting a type that is more used for a "brain high," other than a "body high" that could be the problem.
My guess would be that for crohn's, a strain that produces a body high is better than one that gives you the brain high. My mom is an avid user, and it helps with so many things. Appetite, mood swings, any pain she has, fatigue, pretty much everything. I'm buying some tomorrow to see how it works on my symptoms.
You could try eating it instead of smoking it?
Baking with pot gives you a more mellow high, it will not be as intense, but the high will last a longer period of time, because it filters into your body slowly as you digest the food.

I would say the only negative way to take in the pot is actual smoking where you burn the leaves because that can lead to lung cancer which no one needs that... Bake, distill the pot to oil (this actually gives the highest possible concentration of canniboids), or vaporize.
I would say the only negative way to take in the pot is actual smoking where you burn the leaves because that can lead to lung cancer which no one needs that... Bake, distill the pot to oil (this actually gives the highest possible concentration of canniboids), or vaporize.

Smoking pot does not lead to lung cancer, there have been studies that show that it can actually help with lung caner. I'm not sure where the link is. The danger comes from the fact that pot burns at a higher temp that tobacco and can scorch the lungs causing physical damage. Emphysema? yes. Cancer? No.

But yes smoking is the most harmful way, if you are going to smoke. A joint is the safest method, following by water pipe, then actual pipe. But a vaporiser is much safer than the other smoking methods.
@vonfunk I don't believe that smoking marijuana lacks carcinogens and that routine smoking is not capable of causing lung cancer. If you have a link to a study, however, I would like to review it. If you were to consume pieces of natural untreated wood routinely you would probably not ever develop cancer from it, I doubt that a tree is a carcinogen by itself, however, if you inhaled the smoke from a campfire on a regular basis, you are probably going to get lung cancer.
@billyjoel I'm currently at work so i can't find the actually studies to directly link to.

At no point did I say that pot contained no carcinogens when smoked. Anything burnt tobacco, toast and scotch contain carcinogens.

The actual medical view point of if smoking marijuana cause lung cancer is mixed. the studies that do say it that it causes cancer are inconclusive as they aren't testing people who use it to medicate. That are going with the average pot head, in fact the majority of those studies say that the person's lifestyle in itself may predicate them towards and fully acknowledges that the average user in their study mixed the marijuana with tobacco when smoking.
The other studies who have used groups that don't smoke tobacco seems to show that marijuana is not only not causing cancer but reducing the growth of tumours and inhibiting the spread of cancer in patients with lung cancer.

Specifically the risk is far more increased because of the nicotine in cigarettes, which counteracts cancer fighting substances.

Pot Smoking Not Linked to Lung Cancer

Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumour Growth in Half
Thanks for the links!

I am a huge fan of marijuana although I have not used it in more than a year :( It has to do more or less with my family situation and work than anything else, but I wish it were legal right now because I have been dealing with a lot of insomnia and aches in my joints, neck, and back for months. I believe every United States citizen should be able to mass produce it on their very own pot plantations if they wanted to.

I think the research on the cancer is interesting, but the web md article cautions that the relationship in the study between less cancer could have been chance. I just think that scientists and doctors should encourage vaporizing, oils, and baking over smoking. Smoking also tends to waste lots of THC you will get more for your dollar if you vaporize or use oils.
I am aware that of the 3 major ways to consume smoking is the most wasteful. The thing is that there is very little research being put into marijuana as medicine. Those were just a couple of links that I quickly found.

The major problems with most of the research into if pot causes cancer when smoked are:
A) The fact that it is illegal in most places, and research in the states is still very much influenced by the "all drugs are bad" train of thought in the US that is still left over from the Reagan years.
B) it is very hard to find a control group that is either already sick or live a lifestyle where other factors would contribute to cancer.

Most of the studies that actually show the positives are being funded by activist groups, as such it is immediately decreed as being suspect by the anti-drug crowd.

I will answer any questions you have to the best of my knowledge.
I agree with everything you just said. Also, I am happy to say that there is a group that is very seriously working on getting a medical marijuana initiative on our Arkansas ballot for the approaching elections :) I do not think they will have trouble getting it on the ballot, I would say that given our history, Arkansas will vote no, however, I am hoping for a lot of yes votes, because that alone will say a lot about where more conservative states land on the issue. I know it will happen in my lifetime I really hope that it happens before I retire. I also, wish the federal government would get off their butts on this and rule that private employers who wish to operate in states with medical pot cannot fire a medical marijuana cardholder simply because they fear the backlash that would occur if a customer or worker was injured on the job by someone who uses pot.

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