Passing a gallstone - what to do?

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Jun 28, 2010
Hi, Briefly, I believe I am passing a gallstone. The pain was horrible two days ago, but it's dull now and kinda spread out over the right side of my body. It still hurts to breathe, though.

Anyway, my doctor says I need to go to the ER, but I have a lot of company and don't want to go through the ER experience with them here. I've passed a gallstone before and other than the pain, everything was fine. So my tentative plan is to wait it out, hoping that symptoms go away. If things get worse, I will definitely go to ER.

So here's my question. Has anyone ever gone through this before? Any advice? Am not too hungry, but is there anything I can eat that would help? Anything I should avoid eating? Would hot drinks help, like tea? How about hot pads (don't know if I can do that during the day).

I am open to any suggestions. Thank you!
Hi Christina, so sorry you are going thru this pain but I am sure your company would understand. When I was passing a gall stone I was vomting violently and went to the ER, thought it was a Crohns attack that pain was really bad. It passed and drank lot of water, to keep it floating. After that they took my gall bladder out, turns out I had lots. If the pain gets too intense, you may have to go to ER. Same with kidney stones, flushem out. Been there dont that too. I never had a second chance with another gall stone. Not much help. Keep moving and drink Water. :hang:
I really don't want to send you into a breakdown, but my dad died from complications from gall stones - his got stuck between his gall bladder and pancreas, cutting off the blood supply to his pancreas and causing it to die. (he ended up with severe acute pancreatitis - and died after 6 months in ICU).

Please go to the ER room and get it checked out. - I'm sure you'll be fine but I would never want anyone to suffer as my dad did.
Wow chick pea, I am sorry about your dad. That is a long time to be in ICU.
Christina, Glad you went. I hope you are doing much better and that you can now enjoy your company :)
Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for your support.

Well, 6 hours later they discovered that it was NOT gallstones but a pleural effusion. They offered no explanation why I should have one and I am mystified?

Anyhow, there is a problem. The solution for the effusion is a massive dose of Ibuprofen (800mg). I asked her about it and my Crohn's and she pretty much shrugged and that was it . . . take it or leave it.

I will call the GI office tomorrow and ask them which is worse - the effusion or the risk from taking so much NSAID's. My Crohn's is already problematic, so I don't want to make it worse.

That's me. Thank you all again for your concern and your personal stories. In the end, I am glad I went to the ER.
Hi Christina, glad you are feeling better! I am also glad to see your GI overrule taking Ibuprofen. It would of been a catch 22. But I read your prior post of what to do and even I was wondering what you should do but never commented. Always follow your Gi they are tops in their field. Hope you continue to feel better. Keep us updated :hang:
Thanks to everyone who offered sympathy about my dad.

I can honestly say it was the worst time of my life. 6 months in ICU, mostly in isolation as he contracted MRSA twice from the hospital. In that time, he had his pancreas removed and the whole of his colon, plus he was on ventilation after a tracheotomy - so he couldn't even talk to us.
Watching your dad slowly die, day by day, and in so much pain was just horrific. In the end, they switched his machines off and let him die...on my daughter's 5th birthday, while I was 160 miles away from the hospital.

That was 20 months ago, and I still find it hard to think about.
So sorry chickpea, yeah time heals but memories are always a blessing. Hugs

Sorry for the hijack Christina
Hi im new, but just wanted to say glad you got checked out and are feeling better, and to Chickpea, sorry about your dad :(

I think a gallstone brought on my chrons, I had one stuck had a scan and it wasnt spotted as it had shifted into a tube and it was blocking my liver, after a week of passing out lol, they finally spotted it and tried to remove it, it wouldnt budge, and then after 3 endoscopies (one of which they left part of the removal instrument in me!) it finally shifted, releasing a huge septic infection, my husband was called to my bed as they didnt think id pull through, i knew nothing i was out of it on morphine :D after that i had my gallbladder removed, but occasional tummy problems then developed into Chrons.. ho hum...

so the message is if you have a gallbladdery pain, get it checked!!
Hey Stussy, welcome to the forum!!! Lots of Uk Crohnies here! I would love to read your journey of your Crohns. Hope you can write it on your own post on a YOUR STORY thread!!

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