Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

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Jun 7, 2012
Just wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge about this. I am not diagnosing myself, I am going to my GI in a week, but I feel like this is what I have been going through, It takes me a full 1-2 days to be able to go to the bathroom. It doesn't feel like constipation, it feels like my muscles are too weak to void my bowels. The last month or so it has gotten to the point that I clog the toilet (without even wiping yet) every time I am able to make a bowel movement because I go for so long in between movements that there is a ton to void. I do experience urinary incontinence, and from what I have read on google, that is a problem associated with it. I know this is probably all because of the hernia(s), and I am sure having Crohn's doesn't help at all either I am just hoping it is something that can be corrected with out surgery. Or maybe its not pelvic floor dysfunction at all and Crohn's has progressed to my rectum. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I had a similar but different problem... bowel incontinence after j-pouch surgery due, in part, to a damaged pelvic floor muscle. I'm not much help but I can tell you what tests you can have to diagnose it. The first is called a defaecography, and it's a twist on a barium x-ray. You have to do a barium enema and put in a barium-coated tampon (I'm assuming you're female!) so they can locate everything. Then you sit on a commode on the x-ray machine (yes, this sounds so fun, right?) and they will give you to hold it, let a little out and hold it, etc. It should be able to see if you are able to completely empty your rectum and if it takes an abnormally long time. The second test, which I am blanking on the name of, involves sticking electrodes to your bum while you squeeze and release, and can test the strength of those muscles.

I would do some Googling of pelvic organ prolapse and see if that sounds like you. It is super common in older women who've given birth vaginally at some point in their lives, but can happen in others too. It is actually treated by a colon-rectal surgeon (if it involves the bowel), not a GI. So if your GI just wants to treat your problem as constipation, you might look into getting a referral to a CR surgeon.

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I hope you can get this figured out and find some relief.
yuck, none of those tests sound fun at all. I will see what my GI has to say on Tuesday, thanks for the information though!

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