So I spent several hours at the ER today and I had a CT scan. My GI doc was concerned that I may have an abscess or something because of the new, recent pain that I'm having. I've been having problems for several months due to a long stricture in my TI, causing a constant firmness and soreness in my lower abdomen and loops of distended bowel, but things took a turn on Tuesday when I developed pain lower down in my pelvic region. Yesterday it was uncomfortable to walk and by today it was quite difficult to walk, so I got worried and decided to go in. Well, the scan didn't show anything new. Just the stricture we already knew about. Which is good. I mean, I'm glad I don't have an abscess. What what the heck is causing this? It's a pinchy, itchy, achy feeling deep inside and it hurts to move my legs. Has anyone else experienced this with a stricture?