Pet allergies and crohn's?

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Apr 19, 2011
Hey all, trying to pick the minds out there.

Does anyone know if mild sensitivities to pets aggravate crohn's? We recently got a guinea pig for my daughter, and I believe I am starting to show mild reactions to either the pet or the hay used to feed her. I don't want to get rid of the pet if I don't have to. Thoughts anyone?

Thanks in advance.
I've never heard of a connection but it doesn't seem implausible that if you have an allergic reaction that stimulates your immune system that it could be aggravating your condition.
Any type of stress on the body can cause Crohn's to flare up. I wouldn't necessarily say that allergies are causing flare symptoms, just that the stress of your body reacting to allergens is... if that makes sense.
someone alive here?? I need a suggestion for this topic! my sister now has a similar situation with a hamster and her daughter. I'm sure your family should see both a family doctor and a veterinarian. I'm sure the problem isn't with your Guinea pig. When I wanted to choose my daughter a pet, I flipped through animal blogs like this one I hope you made the right decision and kept the poor Guinea pig. I wish your family good luck!
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