Pet Hates

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Jul 17, 2011
My pet hate is when you go to the public toilet and it is in a mess i.e. the toilet seat is wet or dirty or the toilet paper is thrown on the floor or even that the floor is drenched-and you never know really what you are standing in!! It could easily be that the previous person has had an accident. I really dont mind someone having an accident but is it really too much to ask that they clean up after themselves?

Now having Crohns and popping to the loo a little more often and thinking of other sufferers who may need to go more urgently then me this must be a nightmare.

I wondered does anyone else have similar pet hates. Maybe they are even more highlighted due to having Crohns? :poo:
I'm not crazy about using public restrooms as it is, let alone one where someone left you a real mess, by accident or on purpose. :( IBD or no -- that's not okay for anyone. The worst "on purpose" I've ever seen was someone who took a dump in the bathroom heater. If you think it smells anyway, try grilling it in a small room. If that person could convince me how that was an accident, I might refrain from the lecture on how things like the golden rule, Karma, or generalized reciprocity work in theory. Grr.
When you REALLy have to go and happen to hit a line...trying to explain to every person in line that you have a disease and you need the next bathroom available is say the least
I'm not crazy about using public restrooms as it is, let alone one where someone left you a real mess, by accident or on purpose. :( IBD or no -- that's not okay for anyone. The worst "on purpose" I've ever seen was someone who took a dump in the bathroom heater. If you think it smells anyway, try grilling it in a small room. If that person could convince me how that was an accident, I might refrain from the lecture on how things like the golden rule, Karma, or generalized reciprocity work in theory. Grr.

That is bad. Bad bad bad. Time for a new heater.
I guess I'm stubborn or maybe just crazy but I'll literally kill myself before I use a public restroom. Obviously it hasn't come to that yet. Been a few close calls and awkward ends to conversations but I always make it home.

But I have roommate issues. Stop bugging me, I have business to attend to! I don't care about your girlfriend issues, your work problems, or your music taste at this moment! OUT OF THE WAY, AND FOR PREFERENCE LEAVE THE APARTMENT FOR THE NEXT FIFTEEN MINUTES!
I've had Crohn for more than 20 years and let me tell you the gentlemen's restrooms are far worse than the ones for ladies.

This is not politically correct but I have to admit sometimes I had to resource to the Ladies one. Then, when I am done with it, I have to ensure the place is empty before leaving since I don’t want to be noticed. :eek:utahere:
I have overheard some interesting conversations a couple of times in that situations. But I am not giving any details here. :rof:
i know i dont really have any right to hate this but what i really hate is people who dont suffer from bowel problems complaining about having mild diaherrea. Ive went to the toilet 6 or 7 times a day and have completely explosive **** coupled with a stupid amount of pain every day of my life that i can ever remember and they're complaining about having to use the toilet twice today? Dont mean to sound like im complaining and im probably just spiteful and jealous but it really does irritate me haha

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