Pigging out on food

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Feb 25, 2010
pigging out on food

hi everyone. Was wondering if any of you ever pig out on food when your doing okay. I do as i am trying to gain weight. I was 180lbs at heavest and now 150. a while back in hospital with c-diff and went down to 140 and i look anorexic looking in mirror being naked. I'm 5' 6" and big boned. I would try to keep some extra weight in case i get real sick or c-diff. I lost 10 lbs this summer for using 2 sets of antiobiotics for tooth infection. The last week i was okay and eating a lot and then got d about 4 days ago. I worked up to 155 but now going back to150 and scared i'll go lower. Oh yes also lost some weight also from a fissure i got 3 months ago, but after 2 months i couldn;t find it just the tag, so started eating lots. While i ws on the 2 months of watching what i ate, i had no d just slight stomachaches.
keeping the extra weight for a flare up is always a good idea. i've always gone through times of pigging out on food and completley stuffing my face. probably wouldn't be what the dr's advised but they always just told me to 'go for it' when i could. if you're noticing certain foods making you worse then i would avoid them. also, if you are getting pains, there's still plenty of high calorie foods that are quite bland- that wouldn't disturb the tummy too much, like chips/fries.
while you've got the appetite for it...enjoy!
i am glad to see someone else does this and i'm not the only one. Right now having tummy issues so light eating for me.
You CAN gain weight by eating healthy foods, but more often. If having belly issues, switch to some soups, which may be easier on your stomach. Eating every few hours may help. Your body will absorb what it needs and balance out at whatever healthy weight is good for you.
I have similar issues, im currently 5 ft 8 and weigh 120 lbs, its taken me over 4 months just to gain about 8lbs, I had a good pig out yesterday for christmas but doing that doesnt seem to make a blind bit of difference! In the past when i had flares i would get better ,pig out and pile the weight back on but since having the ileostomy its almost impossible to gain weight.
I am the complete opposite to most other sufferers.
I find it really hard to loose weight.
Its really annoying because I dont get taken seriously by some consultants. They say well your maintaining weight so you cant be that ill.
Even if I dont eat for a few days I wont loose weight. Yesterday was the most I have eaten since last Christmas, my 7 year old ate more than I did yesterday, but I know that when I go for my appiontment on Friday my weight will be the same as its been for ages.
I will gladly share my extra poundage around!! Just think of me as a human shaped turkey and come and carve off a slice or 2!!!
Sharon xxxx
I try to avoid large meals and overeating as it just seems to increase my abdominal pain. I also tend to gain weight easily - not sure if that is related to the constipation or the fact that everything I eat upsets my stomach so I might as well eat what tastes good rather than trying to stick to a certain diet.
I am the complete opposite to most other sufferers.
I find it really hard to loose weight.
Its really annoying because I dont get taken seriously by some consultants. They say well your maintaining weight so you cant be that ill.
Even if I dont eat for a few days I wont loose weight. Yesterday was the most I have eaten since last Christmas, my 7 year old ate more than I did yesterday, but I know that when I go for my appiontment on Friday my weight will be the same as its been for ages.
I will gladly share my extra poundage around!! Just think of me as a human shaped turkey and come and carve off a slice or 2!!!
Sharon xxxx

I think this is a really common misconception about Crohn's. The combination of not being able to eat healthy "diet" foods, steroids, exhaustion, etc. from having an autoimmune disease combine beautifully to cause weight gain or prevent weight loss. Many people experience weight loss because of their disease, but many people also struggle with their weight in the opposite direction. It drives me insane that weight loss is considered a symptom of Crohn's but not weight gain. It is not uncommon at ALL.
Thank you Nic.
I am awaiting biopsy results for dx of crohns but I will be very surprised if I dont have it. Have UC cofirmed already but have got more symptoms from the Crohns side then with UC. Even when I had chronic d that lasted for 3 weeks I lost only a kilo. I suffer mostly from constipation.
I dont know, it does my head in as well. You can go around in circles trying to work it out.
Thank you Nic.
I am awaiting biopsy results for dx of crohns but I will be very surprised if I dont have it. Have UC cofirmed already but have got more symptoms from the Crohns side then with UC. Even when I had chronic d that lasted for 3 weeks I lost only a kilo. I suffer mostly from constipation.
I dont know, it does my head in as well. You can go around in circles trying to work it out.

Well, even if it's not Crohn's. I think it's common in IBD in general, or really any medical condition. Or even in healthy people!

I just wish people didn't have to feel guilty about their weight. I think it's even worse for people with IBD because you're told weight loss is a symptom of your condition. So it SHOULD be easy for you to lose weight, right? And not only are you told that by providers, but it's also one of the only things people who don't have it know about it. "Shouldn't you look like a skeleton?" is a common question. Thanks. I didn't feel bad enough being sick in the first place, but now I have to feel bad about my disease not making me skinny.

I think it's actually good for IBD patients to be slightly overweight so if they ever end up in the rapid weight loss category, they have a bit of a buffer, if you will. Anyway sorry for going on a tirade/tangent. It's a bit of a sore spot with me, if you couldn't tell.
I know where you are coming from hun.
I also bloat, which is a whole nother thread, and that makes me look huge!!

Sorry Matty for hijacking your thread!!!!

Maybe I should start a thread about loosing weight. lol xxxxx

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