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Apr 14, 2011
please read and reply

hi there i posted some questions yesterday and only got one reply was abit dissapointed
my mum has had crohns for over 20 odd years and has never been out of remission... does or has any one else have problems with thick blood and osteoporosis. my mum is currently under a blood specialist and is awaiting results shes terrified and so am i.. shes convinced shes got lukemia or something really bad. would love to hear from some body who had bone or blood problems as you may be able to help my mum thank you
There's no need to be disappointed. The people on here are just like you. We have lives and are busy and none of us can reply to every single post. You have to give us more than a day. :)

There are three replies in your initial post now. You should check those out and answer their questions so you can get a conversation going.

Welcome to the forum.
Please don't be upset. I am sorry you haven't gotten many responses. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with thick blood and osteoporosis. However, hopefully someone will come along who does have some advice.
Hi and welcome to the forum. I can understand your disappointment as it sounds like your mom is very important to you and you are really concerned/scared for her.
I also don't have any problems with thick blood and/or osteoporosis. I hope you get your answers.
Hi welcome

I really hope you find some answers and that your mom is able to feel well soon. I am sorry but I also do not have any experience with thick blood and osteoperosis.
Hello Laura
Osteoporosis can be treated.
Blood thickening is a somewhat vague term and could mean a number of things.
If there are too many red cells there are treatments available as there are for too many white cells.It depends on the final diagnosis.
Try not to worry too much and wait to see what the final diagnosis is.
There's lots of hope for so many things these days.
I have a blood cell disorder which is routinely observed by a hematologist and so far has not required any treatment, just specialised observation.
It worried me greatly when it was first diagnosed four years ago but since changes are minimal I just go along with what I am told and no longer worry .
Now the crohn's is a different kettle of fish and at times really gets me down.
The forum is a great help though and I see many people much worse off than I am
with the crohn's ramifications.
Hope this may help you a little.

"Thick blood" sounds like a British euphemism to me. What I need to know is whether her doctor is referring to her white blood cells or her red blood cells. "Thick blood" does NOT necessarily mean she has a blood cancer. For example, there is polycythemia vera, which is an excess of red blood cells. It can be caused by multiple factors. It is rarely caused by a malignancy (cancer). It is also easily treated. You can also have an excess of white blood cells that is not cancerous, say if you have an infection or if you are on steroids. There is also a syndrome that is preleukemic. I am not sure how having "thick blood" is related to having osteoporosis. The latter is highly treatable with a class of medications called bisphosphonates as well as calcium and vitamin D supplements.

I wish your mum the best. If she is having anxiety, she needs to get a better explanation from her doctor.

Dr. S (spouse of a Crohn's sufferer)
Hey there laura,

Wanted to welcome you to the forum. I definitely understand wanting to get an answer to questions, and needing some support. Sorry I caught this late. I'm not really sure what thick blood means. I see a hematologist because of iron deficiency anemia. I have weekly(or every two weeks) iron infusions to help keep my iron levels up. But that doesn't sound like thick blood. Maybe you can clarify a little?

Anyway, welcome to the forum! Give us a chance. Somebody will come around with an answer for you!:)
I cant help you as I have just been diagnosed. I do understand your fear, I too am scared of the uncertainty of how this illness can have you feeling fine one day and the next feel more ill then ever before. It feels like a long road, and despit support and the love of others its hard to overcome bad days. But hold onto hope, that cant be taken away.Its ok to feel the way you feel, you are not alone and we are all here for one another. I pray things work out for you and you get the help you need. God Bless.

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