Possibility of Pentasa Overdose?

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Jun 29, 2012
Hey everyone,

This is my first post, and I'm wondering how concerned I need to be about my Pentasa medication, specifically taking doses relatively quickly in succession.

I take six 250mg pills 3 times a day for a total of 4500 mg per day. I stupidly waited until about 10:30 PM to take my first dose (I am basically nocturnal and usually wake up between 1-3 PM), took the second dose approximately two hours later, and the final dose another two hours after that just before 2:30 AM.

I weight about 190 lbs., if that has any bearing on it. I didn't just take one massive dose, but it's an amount (4500mg) that's supposed to be spread out over the course of a day and I took it in the span of about 4 hours. I just want to know if my concern is legitimate, or if my usual hypochondria is at play here. :sign0085:

Thanks in advance.
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The reason you have to take Pentasa so frequently is it essentially is topical and goes through you quickly. I'd say you should be fine. Unless you start noticing serious symptoms I wouldn't worry about it.

In the future though, if you haven't taken your first two doses of the day by 10:30 p.m., I'd just consider them a loss.
I take 6 500mg tablets of Pentasa a day... My dr said that it doesn't seem to matter if I take them all at once or spread them out! I only spread them out because they give me headaches. Hope this helps!

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