Post-Op Open Wounds?

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Feb 10, 2011
I don't want to tweak out anyone who's going into surgery for the first time, but I have to ask about open post-op wounds and healing.

I had a SBR with the removal of a fistula and 6X8cm abscess as well as my surgeon needing to 'untie' my intestines as they were 'tied up in a big mass' - all quotes are straight from my (amazing) surgeon Carlo.

This was my sixth SBR - first when I was 8, then 16, 21, 22 and 25 - and I thought I'd seen it all, but no... Normally I was stapled up and sent on my way, but not this time. While I understand every surgeon is different and the surgeon who had done four of my SBR is now unable to operate (major accident), but Carlo decided the way to do things was open wound healing.

Now, I pass out and/or throw up when I see my own blood or a boo-boo and what I'm about to write is quite gross. My surgeon left my two wounds wide open with this black foam and a suction vac to clean out the ick. The first couple weeks I had to have tons of plastic tape and all that foam and stuff removed, clan everything, then re-packing it all up for a couple days.

After that came the 'wet to dry' dressings. My hubby can barely look at it all and mainly holds my hand as my wonderful mother-in-law Rae (Mom) changes my dressing DAILY! It doesn't hurt much, but is totally GROSS! I'm a twitchy ad wiggly patient, so it takes a good 1/2 hour to get it all done - down from over an hour. My insurance doesn't cover a nurse in everyday, so my nurse trained Mom who does a better job than the nurse as she knows me so well. Was fun the day Mom's dog came in with my dog, but her little dog ran across my abdomen as she was trying to re-dress me!

After all this grossness and babbling, has anyone else dealt with this? Carlo told me that I was at a VERY high risk of infection, so he wanted it done this way so he wouldn't have to open me again.

While one of my incisions is almost completely closed, the other is still quite long and still wide. It looks a lot better than it had - when I can look at it, usually in pictures and I almost vomit when I see it. Showering is not fun as I keep seeing it! But I had surgery on September 2, 2011 and it's been well over a month and it seems as though this is healing so slowly!

Any answers will be greatly appreciated!
I have never heard of such a thing! How are you coping? It sounds so difficult.

I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't. I really just wanted to comment on how very brave you are being! I have syncope, too (passing out). I would be having a really hard time with what you're going through.

:hug: You have my respect.
You poor thing. I don't think I'd be able to stomach seeing that as well. And my husband can't handle the sight of blood, so I'd be having my mom do it for me, too.
I've never heard such a thing! :eek:

I cant imagine! Hats off to you for being able to cope with that! I fail to comprehend why an open wound would be LESS prone to infection!???
My wife had gallbladder out - very long incision, open wound healing. I did her dressing twice a day. Once you "have to" do it a few days, its ok. Its funny what you no way can do until you have to do it. Same with infants and their little/big surprises!

Mine was stapled (20) closed...healing nicely over 4 weeks, then wham! had to re-open a 1.5 inch area due to infection due to suture knot. Then 2 weeks later, 2 other areas (superficial - shallow) needed to be re-opened due to "infections". Trust me when I say, I am very clean about every aspect of my incision.

Its now 8 weeks after surgery and I have at least another 4 weeks to not have any dressings.

If I had to do it over again, I would jump at open wound healing!

Grosser - slower - but - no extended heal times!

Good luck and count your blessings!
Dave - You're the man! Thank you so much! Reading through everyone not having even heard of the open wounds had me worried that my surgeon (and his entire office) was playing a cruel joke on me.

Terriernut - Less of an infection inside than outside - mostly. See, having the dressing changed every day to every other day means that someone's looking closely at it on a regular basis. My surgeon was set on doing things this way specifically on me due to how septic I was.

Honestly, after all the plastic tape and the black foam and suction pack with the tube hanging from under my shirt and getting some of the worst looks from 'healthy' people, the wet to dry was easy. Okay, easy when it's not being changed.

If anyone is interested in seeing how it all looks and grows together, I do have pictures taken at various times! I can look at the pictures without feeling like I'm going to blow chunks - mostly.

I have two incisions and one is completely closed and open to the air. It looks really good! The PA told me a month or two on the large incision closing. I blurted out, 'Christmas?' He said no, not hat long. Then I reminded him that Christmas is only just over two months. He was not to shiniest tool in the shed.

This past week they changed my dressing type again! It's similar to wet-to-dry, but uses this fabric strip that changes to a gel and down't hurt when it's removed, the gauze sometimes can hurt. They also said that certain parts of the incision can 'granulate' and heal together in bigger granules and can inhibit other parts from growing together cleanly. This only has to be changed every other to every third day.

I haven't had this changed yet, so I'll check back in and let everyone know how it went! I do have to say that my mother-in-law has been an angel through all of this. This amazing woman picked out my service dog, now changes my dressings almost daily. I can never thank her enough for all she's done.

And I'm serious, anyone who wants to see the pictures, just let me know! :eek2:
It makes sense and it doesnt to me. I remember poor Kelloo with her open wounds you see, because of MRSA. And frankly, the visiting nurses infected me with staph infection!!! So I'm a wimp!!

Yes...PM me, I'll look. I'm due reversal surgery next year. And lord only knows how many surgeries in the future.

You are a tough cookie!!!!
I would love to see the pics!

My kids haven't had this done but I do wound management as a part of my job so have come across the vacuum assisted wounds that way.

It is normal to change dressing products as the wound heals as each type has a different function. It sounds like you are now on the seaweed impregnated type products.

Dusty. xxx
Yes...please post pics! (Dusty you're so cool, we all thank our lucky stars you are here with us...but sorry because it's your gorgeous children that brought you here)

I think this is a very facsinating topic. And very helpful!!!
I actually recently had surgery for an abcess and fistula as well and I have an open incision. My abcess was the size of a lemon and the removal of the packing... Well it was excruciatingly painful and one of the worst experience of my life even while I had a little bit of dilaudid in my system. It's a lot to go through, especially since I had to have two surgeries for one abcess. Just be thankful for your mother in law that she's amazing to do that for you. I'm grateful for all the things that my parents go through with me, and without them it would make this process a lot more difficult and to be honest I've been so close to death I might not be here if it weren't for them.

But I digress on that. My open wound is healing nicely and isn't painful like yours even though it's still open. I was told to soak in hot baths, that it would help to keep it clean and the draining process. I would contribute pictures but my incision is located on my behind and letting the surgeon see it was awkward enough Lol!

Hope my contribution on open wounds helps!
My first sbr was "purse string" closed. Basically it was left open with sutures in place to be pulled close at a later date. The wound was 4 inches wide. They pulled the sutures closed in less than a week. That hurt. I had to be reopened due to infection (abcessed). I had the wet to dry bandaging poked in the opening for several weeks after that. Surgeons are starting to revisit the open wound healing. My last sbr was closed with no complications (thank goodness).