Prayers for a friend.....

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Staff member
Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Found out this morning that a friends' (and co-workers') son (18) had to have emergency heart surgery yesterday - apparently he contracted some kind of virus, the left side of his heart isn't working right, and his lungs aren't now either.....

Please keep Greg and his family in your thoughts and prayers!.....
Prayers are definitely needed for this is not looking good right now for him.....he has developed other complications which are life-threatening.....
I will be thinking of him and sending positive thoughts. Having watched a child go through emergency heart surgery I know how very terrifying the situation is. I really hope he makes an improvement in his condition soon x
Not so good update.....although he is breathing better, lungs are taking the oxygen and it looks like his kidneys are now working - he is still dealing with little/no perfusion in his extremities, and the doctors are now talking about having to amputate to try to save his life....with no guarantee he would make it through the surgery.......

Boy this is tough - I've known him and his parents for about 9 years now.....I want to go visit his parents at the hospital - but don't think I would hold up...tearing up here as I'm even typing this......
Oh, wish the update was a bit more positive :-( I think I would go to the hospital, tears and all. His folks will probably be very glad of the support. Do they have other family members with them or nearby?
Me too GT.....yes, his parents do have people coming by to visit - extended family (God parents etc).....and friends/co-workers.....the hospital staff has been awesome too.....

His parents did get to go home last night and (hopefully) get a good nights' rest....things are still status-quo......
have they mentioned any more on the amputation issue? Is he still doing well with his breathing/lungs?
He is still holding his own with the ventilator - oxygen saturation is ok.....looks like they will be amputating at least part of his legs - BUT - they can't do anything yet as they don't know if he would survive that surgery.....its' a no-win situation - can't let him stay like that too long or more damage will be done...but can't move too early or they may lose him.....
Good news that he's not needing any additional o2 to keep his sats up on the vent. It really does sound like they're between a rock and hard place with aputating :( I'm praying that he doesn't need this, he's so young bless him. Are they involving the family in the decisions at this stage too?
His parents are right there, with the doctors giving regular updates...even in the middle of the night (the other night).....

For some reason there is no return circulation in the legs....blood goes down, not back up...and I guess to some extent to his hands also as I was told his fingertips were turning black.....
That's definitely not a good sign. My prayers are with him and his family. Big hug for you too :hug:
My prayers have been with this young man since you first posted about him. That candle is still lit.

A reminder to all of us to count our blessings, and pray for those less fortunate in health even than us.

Some better news...doctors were able to sew up his chest today! (had been on a heart pump)....I guess there is good cardiac activity.....AND possible pulse felt in one of his feet.....still unsure if they will have to amputate - but if there IS a pulse hopefully the damage being done will lessen.....
That's it FANTASTIC news :luigi: such good news that they could close hs chest and even better they've felt a pulse! It would be wonderful if he didn't have to have any amuptations, or as little as possible should it come to it.
Thanks for the update. He is in my prayers still x
Oh man Paso, I am so sorry I missed this!

What an horrendous time for that young man and his family. I pray more than anything that there is a positive outcome to this. I hope he suffers no losses but should it come to that may they be minimal.

Sending healing (((thoughts))) and (((prayers))) their way.

Dusty. xxx
Thanks Dusty!

Just got off the phone - with some GOOD news.....heart is still doing ok, the doctors are lightening up on the sedation a little bit but don't want to go too light as there are so many things that can get ripped open.....

He opened his eyes at his mother today!!!!!.....also, doctors got pedal pulses in BOTH feet today - partial amputation is still a possibility, but hopefully not as extreme as first thought!.....

So, now thigs are day-by-day vs. minute-by-minute....

more improvement!!!!!
I've been reading this Paso hoping things would turn for the better! It is beginning to sound more hopeful! I'm looking forward to his updates now!
Oh boy Paso, I so hope things continue to head into positive territory. Everything remains crossed!.....


Thanks for the update hun!
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thanks all.....I can't really talk about this much with my husband - he knows the updates (and knows the family too).....nice having a place to talk about this where I don't break down and cry....emotions seem to be high lately.....
Sending (((hugs))) to you too Paso...


Thinking of you hun, :Flower:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Happy Fathers'Day!!!

Many fathers receive the typical gifts. Perhaps a package of golf balls, a new tie or a gift certificate from Lowes. I received a much more valuable gift this morning. Greg greeted me in a soft and raspy voice and wished me a Happy Father's Day. My sincerest hope is that none of you are ever in a position to fully understand how much that meant to me. He is speaking in complete sentences and operating the TV remote. Praise God, I know he had a big hand in making this happen.
Thank you so much for posting Paso! I have been wondering how Greg is doing.

I hope things are settling for you too hun...:hug::hug::hug:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
me too...each time I read it I tear up.....hopefully things will continue to improve for him!!!

Oh - out local firehouse held a blood drive last week- for a tiny little hamlet there were 56 units donated! Great turn out including my husband for his first-ever donation!!! (At one point Greg had lost all his own blood - tranfusions kept him alive ~shudder~) so his parents asked that anyone able to donate.....
That is such wonderful news Paso, I am so pleased to read these latest updates. Long may Greg's recovery continue. Big hugs x
Another update...

As we begin week 4 of this adventure, I am reminded of how much support our family has received and how thankful we are that Greg has progressed so far.

Ventricular Assist Device:
Doctor wants to try to turn down the VAD at bedside and determine the hearts reaction. Possible precursor to removal. VAD requires blood thinners, which cause bleeding.

3 hour dialysis sessions every other day.

Still bleeding, requires frequent dressing changes, which are painful and requires pain meds which cause him to sleep.
He started physical therapy on Saturday, very little movement in legs, but Greg has set a goal to walk, so the therapist will push him to make it happen.

He can eat about whatever he wants, but has almost no appetite. His nutritional status is a factor in the removal of the VAD.
Thanks for your support and I will advise when I know more.
I don't know anything about the VAD but I sure hope he doesn't need to stay on dialysis for long!! It's good to hear about his strong determination!!
Thank you the update Pasobuff, glad to hear he is able to eat whatever he likes now. What happened to his legs to cause the bleeding if you don't mind me asking? He sounds like a strong young man and if he's decided he wants to walk I've no doubt he will do it :)
Sending my thoughts and prayers his way as I sit here crying for this poor very brave young guy and his family. Do they have any idea what virus he caught and what caused it? This is such a sad sad story. Wishing him and his family the best of luck.
Thank you so much for the update Paso...:hug:

How are you going yourself hun? Are you coping with all this okay?

Thinking of Greg and his family, and you too mate, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Yup - I'm coping well...especially since it appears the crisis time is REALLY helps being able to come here and post/talk - as there isn't anyone at work I'd feel comfortable talking to (they all know him too)...and my husband isnt' good with these kinds of things.....
yay - more improvement!
Yesterday afternoon Greg was given an echo cardiogram of his heart. The doctor says there has been improvement since the last viewing. His swelling is reduced and the weaker parts of the heart are beating more normally. During this procedure he turned down the VAD as low as he could. Greg’s heart kept beating and maintaining the same blood pressure. He repeated the test with the same results. Greg’s kidneys are starting to produce, what kidneys are supposed to produce, not yet a normal volume but getting better. The VAD could come out, but it would be a challenge for the kidneys, so it will remain a while longer. All in all not a bad day at all. Again, thanks to all for the continued prayers and support
Oh, fab news Paso!

Just what I wanted to hear! :). Thanks for posting hun.

Dusty. xxx
Here is a picture from today (or yesterday) - well enough to go out for some fresh air!!!


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Awww, the poor love...:hug:.

He looks just as impressed as Matt did when I took photos of him in hospital!

Thanks so much for posting Paso.

Thinking of you all, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Wow I can't believe I missed this thread. It is good to hear he is improving. He will be in my thoughts.
More good news...

I hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday weekend. I did not get much sun, but did get to spend time with Greg as he continues his miraculous journey toward recovery. Two more of the team that saw him 4 weeks ago came to see us and tell us just how sick Greg was and that this is a truly a miracle. The kidneys continue to improve and Dr Haqui the renal doc now expects a very satisfactory outcome. Dr Miller will assess the heart later this week to determine a date to explant the VAD. Very limited range of motion exercises continue for the legs. The docs are pleased with the thighs and calves.

One of my favorite parts about the 4th of July is the traditional picnic, which did not happen this year. However the wonderful nurses at Albany Miracle Center did invite is to participate in a hotdog picnic lunch in the Cardio Pulmonary Surgery unit. Thanks to a church friend (Karen) I also was provided a hamburger picnic for dinner. So.... for any of you concerned with me not getting enough to eat I am surviving quite nicely!.

We continue to pray for a positive outcome and are very thankful for the progress God has provided through a wonderful medical staff, for Greg. We are also thankful for the support we have received from family, friends, coworkers, fellow firefighters, and our church family.
Some more good news!

Today was a big day. Gregory had the VAD removed. Surgeons determined the stenosis was not a problem. He still has a long way to go and is back on the ventilator temporarily. Please keep praying!!!
We continue to be impressed with the docs and nurses here, they definitely know what they are doing.
Hooray! Today is a good day for good news it seems. Now can they get him off those nasty blood thinners and stop bleeding?

Thoughts are with him and his family (and you) as always.
Been a while since an update - this was actually from the 21st....

I know my updates have been a little sparse lately. We are in the stage of his recovery where not much is happening on a daily basis. Yesterday they removed the dialysis port, it was supposed to be a 5 minute procedure, which lasted 45. I felt bad for the young doc, who was trying so hard not to hurt Greg. The next removal should be the chest drainage tubes, maybe today. The nurses are trying to reduce the pain meds, and keep him a bit more alert. He is still on tube feeds 24 hours per day, his nutritional level will be very important to his healing process. He can also eat about what he wants, but has very little appetite. Those of you who are still praying for Greg, please concentrate on the feet and legs, the docs are trying to develop a plan, and we are hoping for the best. If anyone wants to visit, feel free he will be there.
Thanks for your support and prayer.
Thanks for posting :hug: Sounds like the boy still has a way to go, but it is good to hear that some progress is being made. Sending healing thoughts and best wishes to him, his family and you.
Latest update....

The attached picture was taken Friday 8/5. This was the first time Greg was able to stand in 9 weeks.

This morning Gregory was taken to the operating room and had all of his toes surgically removed. Our hope is that with rehab his ankles and feet will improve enough that he will not need to lose the legs and be able to walk.

While he was under anesthesia, the plastic surgeons checked out his leg wounds. Skin grafting was done to close the open wounds. He is off the ET tube, just on antibiotic IV. He also has his delaudin button to press when he needs it.

Although losing his toes was certainly not a pleasant thought, we are staying positive and believe we are moving forward. Keep praying for a successful rehab.


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Oh my Paso, what a difficult and heartbreaking time Greg and his family is having. I will continue to keep them in thoughts and prayers and hope and wish more than anything that this is an end to the surgeries.

Are you holding up okay hun?

Dusty. :heart:
Dusty - thanks, yes, I'm holding up - now that his condition has continued to improve, a lot of stress is gone - yes, he still has a long road ahead, but every day is a will be great to see him be able to come home...I have a feeling there will be a party when that happens!
Wow Paso, it'd been a while. I thought he was out of danger. Sorry to hear otherwise!!
I wished I have seen this sooner. I will be praying for him. It breaks my heart to see him suffer. Suffering is never fun but it always helps us to learn what is truly important. Thank you for sharing his story with us and for updating us with his recovery. Please keep doing so and I will keep him in my prayers and try to check up on him as much as I can.
Latest update...

Gregory is in recovery after a surgical procedure. His left calf and right foot were infected which is not highly unusual. Doctors opened them up, drained fluid and cleaned them up. He will be off his feet for at least 2 weeks.
We were told noon, but it was a lot closer to 6 pm so it was a long day. We continue to hope for a release from AMC as soon as he can bear weight and then to Sunnyview. For those of you who have been praying, please continue!
Thanks for the update paso!

I have been thinking about Greg and wondering how is recovery has been progressing. I will continue to send luck and healing thoughts his way...

:goodluck: & :getwell:

Hope you're okay too hun...:hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Any news on Greg Paso?

He and his family are still in my thoughts and prayers. I so hope is recovery is continuing in the right direction.

Thinking of you too hun...:hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Hi Dusty - I actually got an update last week - been a bit busy areound here with the hurricane, floods (yes, multiple), and even a tornado....

Anyway -

Gregory Day 95

I have been asked to give an update so here goes.
The heart and lungs are fine, he is on a medication to slow the heart rate a bit.
Kidneys are working. The skin grafts to close the open wounds on his legs are healing. He had 4 surgeries to remove dead muscle tissue from the left calf and now has a wound vac to help it heal. Next Wednesday we hope to have the stitches removed from his toe amputation sites. A week after that we hope he can begin to try to stand and put weight on the feet. Sometime after that we will transfer to rehab. His nutrition numbers have begun to improve they went from 12 to 13 to 16 to 20, so… he will be off tube feeds during the day and on at night. They will soon remove the pain control pump and give him oral meds. We have dumped the hospital gown and he now wears shorts and t shirts. Somewhat tricky with the wound vac, but it works. He gets in the wheel chair and wheels around the hospital a bit and will go to the Physical therapy gym starting today. He is moving forward, not as fast as he would like, but definitely moving forward. Phyllis has returned to work, and my mom tries to spend the day with him until I arrive from work. Thanks for the support, and continue with the prayers.
Thanks Paso!

I understand mate, only one pair of hands!

Good to hear things are continuing to improve, albeit slowly. Slow and steady wins the race and I sure hope that is the case for Greg.

Much love, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Another AWESOME update!

The latest update on Greg’s progress is as follows:
He is off the feeding tube and eating well. He does not miss the tube down his nose at all. He is off all IV medications, and just takes some orals medications. The sutures have been removed from the amputation sites. He has been fitted with orthopedic boots to protect and provide support to his feet. He tried to walk today for the first time and went 54 feet. When I got his text message I have to admit to a few tears. Phyllis, my mom, and I took a tour of Sunnyview Rehab hospital this week. We hope to transfer him there soon, perhaps as early as Monday the 19th. He will have to work hard there Monday through Saturday. Sunday is a rest day
And the BEST NEWS of all -

Gregory Update Day 115
Today is a good day.
After 10 weeks in CPS , 5 weeks in the C8 step down unit and 8 days in Sunnyview rehab Hospital, Gregory has been discharged. He has recovered enough to go home. Gregory is looking forward to resuming his life and continuing to heal. His mobility is still a bit restricted, but he can walk with special boots and a walker. We anticipate that both of those aids are temporary.
Again, we must praise the medical professionals at Albany Medical center who saved his life. We thank God and Dr Miller for restoring Greg’s life from the brink of tragedy. We can only pray that Gregory takes full advantage of his second chance. The staff at Sunnyview were only with Greg for a short period of time, but moved him forward more rapidly than we ever hoped for.
We were met at the Thruway exit with 2 fire trucks from Glen and Greg was made to put on his fire coat and ride home in Rescue 5. I have to admit to a tear in my eye, you will probably never fully understand how much this simple act meant to our family. We were provided lunch by Tim and his faithful assistant Milo from the Glen store. Our neighbor Lynn brought over a gift for Greg. That was all within the first 2 hours since he was released. I have attached some pictures.
We received a lot of support in our darkest days. You were all part of this miracle, some gave financial support, some prayed, some visited, some provided food. Thank you. Although these were some of the toughest days of our lives, they also taught us about love and faith.
Today is a good day,
The Kirk Family

and yes - it's ok to admit to having a teary eye reading this!!!!


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Oh wow Paso!!! Thank you so much for this fab update!!!

I am so happy for Greg and his family and hope and pray more than anything that Greg continues to power ahead. I have no doubt that Greg will make the most of precious moment from here on in. :)

Now where are those bloody tissues! :lol:

:mademyday:......Infinity and Beyond!

Dusty. xxx
Hey Dusty -thanks for asking - he is doing QUITE WELL!...talked to his dad not long ago - he was getting ready to be fitted for some orthotics I think - to make wearing shoes easier, and to help with balance. He hadn't started school/college again yet - but that is coming!

I know his family will be celebrating an extra special Christmas this year!!!!!
Oh wow, that is so great to hear!

After all he and his family have been through this year I bet it will be the best Christmas ever!

Thanks Paso...:heart:
Dusty. xxx