Gregory Update Day 115
Today is a good day.
After 10 weeks in CPS , 5 weeks in the C8 step down unit and 8 days in Sunnyview rehab Hospital, Gregory has been discharged. He has recovered enough to go home. Gregory is looking forward to resuming his life and continuing to heal. His mobility is still a bit restricted, but he can walk with special boots and a walker. We anticipate that both of those aids are temporary.
Again, we must praise the medical professionals at Albany Medical center who saved his life. We thank God and Dr Miller for restoring Greg’s life from the brink of tragedy. We can only pray that Gregory takes full advantage of his second chance. The staff at Sunnyview were only with Greg for a short period of time, but moved him forward more rapidly than we ever hoped for.
We were met at the Thruway exit with 2 fire trucks from Glen and Greg was made to put on his fire coat and ride home in Rescue 5. I have to admit to a tear in my eye, you will probably never fully understand how much this simple act meant to our family. We were provided lunch by Tim and his faithful assistant Milo from the Glen store. Our neighbor Lynn brought over a gift for Greg. That was all within the first 2 hours since he was released. I have attached some pictures.
We received a lot of support in our darkest days. You were all part of this miracle, some gave financial support, some prayed, some visited, some provided food. Thank you. Although these were some of the toughest days of our lives, they also taught us about love and faith.
Today is a good day,
The Kirk Family