Prednisone/Crohn's/Type 2 Diabetes

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May 26, 2011
Is there anyone out there that has Crohn's and has to take Prednisone while also having Type 2 Diabetes? I used to be on oral meds but have been off of them for 2 years now. I have been able to control it by diet and keep my levels between 150 and 180. I just started taking Prednisone yesterday because my Asacol is not helping at the moment and the GI Dr wants to get my flare up under control so that the Asacol will start helping me. At this time, I am taking 40 mg a day of Prednisone for 2 weeks and if it helps, then I can start tappering off to see how I manage with the flare up. But the problem is, I am now seeing high levels of blood sugar in the 200+ since I started the prednisone yesterday. I already watch everything I eat and try to stay low carb and eat small meals. I have not been able to eat much today cause my stomach pains and don't have any appetite but the levels are still that high. My Dr told me I have to keep a close eye on my levels but I didn't think it would affect me this bad. Any advice?
I have recently been diagnosed with Chrohns and also have type 2 diabetes. My dr took me off metformin, although has kept me on vyctoza for blood sugar control. I have heard that predinose does cause high blood sugar readings for diabetics, you may ask your dr about that and if it should be a concern. I havent started any meds yet they wont start me until my biopsies are back after colonoscopy. They are supposed to be in today. Good luck on your blood sugars.
Thanks Michele! I hope your Dr gets you on some good meds and that you start feeling better soon! :hug:
My mom and Grandpa have Type 2 Diabetes but neither is on Prednisone but I did learn from them that many different things can affect your blood sugar levels including being sick so I'm sure a Crohn's flare would bring up your blood sugar. My mom told me that not eating anything will also increase your blood sugar as well. I still don't really understand why exactly but it shows on hers and my Grandpa's tests every time. So all I can really say is that its important to get the flare under control because that will help lower your BG in the long run and its important to eat regularly or try to the best you can because not eating will only make it worse. Talk to your doctor about medicines that may help settle your stomach so you can eat more (I know my mom has to take some). Prednisone messes with everyone so it doesn't surprise me that it would affect people's BG levels.

I have crohns and type two diabetes. My GI would not put me on prednisone and so I am on methotrexate. He wanted me on azathorprine but would not let me be on the steriods for 6 mths due to the diabetes, so his advice was methotrexate instead. Now i take that for my crohns and metformin for my diabetes and PCOS.
I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy and a horrible itchy rash(which I now suspect is from crohns... it came back...)which was treated with prednisone 30-40mg daily dose to keep rash under control, which in turn exasperating my diabetes. I ended up with an Endocrinologist and shots day time and night time and also an extremely low carb. Diet. It kept the diabetes under control. Prednisone love how it works, hate the side effects.
I have IBM and Type 2 Diabetes. I am taking metformin 500mg and Prednisone. Same as everyone my sugar level is at 180 and I even hit 280 in some days. Really have to watch my diet.

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