I use Hollister, so I'm partial to them. Some people dislike Hollister and like one of the other two big brands, Convatec and Coloplast. It all comes down to finding what works for you.
I use the 2 piece drainable bag with the velcro like closure. if you are using the clip, that is old school. That is what my hospital started me on too. It was so hard for me to deal with, cleaning, closing. The velcro close is so much easier. (Also, I think if your clip is leaking, it's just not on right)
Do you have an Ileostomy or Colostomy? Makes a difference because a person with a Colostomy might be able to use a closed - non drainable bag. They might just empty once a day. But with an Ileostomy, we empty 6 to 8 times a day. So drainable is the only way.
I also use a Hollister Adapt ring. This is probably more for an Ileostomy in which the output is more liquid. The ring is a playdoh type material that is super sticky and seals around the stoma very well - preventing skin irritation.
I like to use non-sting adhesive remover to help get off the remnants of the wafer and Adapt ring. I use Hollister M9 drops for odor control. Not sure if they work, but it's a nice blue color. I used to use the ostomy powder, but don't anymore. I have not noticed any difference from not using it. It's like talcum powder for ostomies - people use it when they have some irritation on the skin around the stoma.
Let me know if you need help with any product numbers, etc. I know the Hollister system well, but not the others brands.