Problems eating & BM post-surgery

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Mar 29, 2013
Was wanting to know if anyone has experienced a similar issue to myself and how they dealt with it/what helped.

I am nearly 5 weeks post surgery (ileocolic resection, 15cm removed) and am having much more issues with eating/digesting/bowel movements than expected. I have lost a total of 12kg (some before surgery, most after) because passing food through my body is very painful. I can only eat very small quantities of low-residue foods. Even out of the low residue foods there isn't much I tolerate! I'm living on scrambled egg, sustagen hospital formula drinks, yoghurt, mashed potato, a little bit fish and chicken and not much more. I get really full after even a tiny meal and feel like I need to recover from eating - it feels like I ate a horse!

As the food passes through my digestive system I often get painful cramps (these don't last too long) and a lot of gurgling. But the bowel movements are the worst part... I get shocking painful cramps and I need to go to the toilet immediately. I need to sit on the toilet for a long time and even when Im finished my intestines feel very sore and cramp a little bit still for a while after. I have to lay down and recover every time I have a BM! Im anxious about being out of the house and away from a toilet because of this and I'm hating the pain (after everything I've already been through).

Can anyone provide and knowledge/advice/experience to help me out? I really need to increase my nutrients and put weight on to regain my strength. I am so frail, weak and getting dizzy and light-headed a lot. Thank you for any assistance!!
I have never had a resection, so I am unsure if its normal or not. My first thought is to contact your doctor. I know that increased bathroom visits are to be expected post surgery, but I am unsure about the cramping. I am sure someone with experience with this will be around shortly to answer your questions, I really hope you start to feel better soon.
Questions that might be asked,
Where was your resection?
How much was taken out?
Any nausea or vomiting?
Hi Carlysy
I agree with Afidz, I think you should consult a doctor about this. Have you had a post op check yet? It can take some time for the bowel and body to settle after major surgery but if you're still in a lot of pain, and not getting enough nutrition, it may hamper your recovery.
To answer your questions Afidz there was 15cm taken out of my terminal ileum and the first section of my colon and the only nausea and vomiting I've experienced were a side effect to one of the antibiotics I was put on (2 of my wounds became severely infected - possible this has held back my progress?)

I have spoken to my surgeon and post-op doctor about it and I keep getting the same answer - "everyone is different". They keep telling me its all part of healing but I've never heard of people having this problem for such a long time after surgery and its beginning to be a big problem.

I'm going to see my new gastroenterologist tomorrow so hopefully I get some answers!

Thanks for your responses :)
Hi Carlysy.
Tomorrow will be 7 weeks post surgey for me and like you, my eating is limited and my BMs are still watery and frequent .
I've read many posts from others concerned that things aren't as rosy as the surgeon promised but hang in there most also say it will get better.
I'm sorry you are in so much pain, I've still been doing the odd liquid diet day just to give the healing bowel a break.

Diagnosed 2005
Salafalk, Imuran, Flagyl B12 shots
Also the B12 injection perked me up a lot.
It only cost me $10.90 for 3 and the Gp's nurse did it at no charge.
I'm meant to have it every 3 months
Thank you Vickib! I'm now just over 6 weeks post-op and still having this problems. I was freaking out that something serious might be wrong because I haven't heard of anyone experiencing the same type of problem for so long. It seems like most people go back to relatively normal eating in a few weeks. I'm still losing weight because I can't get enough calories in!
Also I've had my B12 levels tested and they were fine..were yours low?
Never had mine tested but I was on a liquid diet for about 7 weeks before my surgery and my GI said I should be getting them every 3 months because most crohnies have difficulty absorbing B12.
I'm still having problems eating meat and still doing tiny portions as well as sustigen and supplements.
Hang in there and try and keep a positive attitude even though I know how hard that can be.
Both of my children have had ileocaecal resections and have suffered with diarrhoea post op.

The diarrhoea you are experiencing is due the malabsorption of bile salts. There is a medication that the GI can prescribe called Questran.

My kids use psyllium which works the same way as the Questran does, it absorbs the bile salts and bulks up the stool. There is a thread in the diet forum but I can't link to it just now so just put psyllium husks into search.

Good luck!

Dusty xxx
I've now got a new symptom...constant ache in my tummy :( Anyone experienced this? Moving around makes my tummy even more sore so I'm just laying around in bed with a heat pack most of the day - not good for my recovery but it hurts too much to move around!
Hi Carlysy.
Wondering how your doing?
I've started to eat more and have gained most of my energy back.
Still have lots of watery BMs but no real pain.
Unfortunately I have developed neuropathy in my toes and had to stop taking the antibiotics.
Still feeling better than I have for 6 months.
Hoping your stating to feel the same way.

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