Question about Pregnant Cronies :)

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Jan 7, 2012
Hello all!

I have a question, has anyone had any part of their colon removed and been able to have children, or does anyone have a stoma and still able to have children?

I'm having so much trouble with my colon and I constantly battle c-diff,I just can't help but wonder if i'd be better having my colon removed. But I'monly 21 and I've not had kids yet.

Maybe it's my anxiety talking? But It's so hard to make plans because I'll never know how I'll feel!
I haven't had any surgeries, but I am pregnant at the moment, and my midwife says she has someone on her books at the moment with Crohn's who has had several surgeries. So it doesn't completely rule it out, but it can cause problems with adhesions and with giving birth.
Well that's good to hear. How do you handle it? Are you in remission? Do they consider you high risk if you are not in remission? I don't know anyone who has Crohns and they've had kids, so this is new info to me.
I've heard it's actually better being pregnant after you have had your colon removed. Perhaps because there is more room?I have heard of many ostomates having babies without problems. I had my permanent stoma formed last year when I was 22 and wouldn't change a thing.
I'm currently pregnant but haven't had surgeries. I wasn't considered high risk at the beginning of my pregnancy but this week they switched me to high risk so I go every 2 weeks now and am seen by an OB not a midwife. (Army hospital) I'm in flare now so that's why they switched me and also because I have kidney stones. I'm only 18 wks and already had 2 hospital stays and 3 surgeries THIS pregnancy. My first pregnancy actually put me in remission. I hawnt felt that good in my whole life. For the first time ever I had formed stools (pregnancy causes constipation in many in my case formed my stools) and didn't throw up. No pain and hardly any heart burn! This pregnancy however is completely different and been one thing after another with these darn stones and now this flare :( but I would certainly discuss it. I would wonder how it work when the stomach stretches??
I'm in remission, and am actually feeling better with the pregnancy than I was before- I can eat normally with few side effects! And the bloating I have been suffering with is actually more or less gone :)

You are high risk if you are pregnant in a flare. I am under the care if a consultant as well as the midwife, and they will be monitoring baby's growth in the third tri (as Crohn's brings a risk of prematurity or small babies). Other than that, I am being treated as any other pregnant woman.
Wow thanks everyone! I never knew any of this, but it's very good to know. I'm 21 and I plan on getting married in the next couple of years and I'd like to have children by the time I'm 27ish? Hopefully things will get better by then. These past two years have been miserable!
hi bback12. i'm 22, last july i had my entire colon and rectum removed. i considered starting my family before surgery but the surgeon told me to wait until after surgery as it would be better for me and baby if i'm crohns free. i'm having slight issues with my stoma which will be sorted soon then i plan on starting to try next year.
my surgeon said there was no chance of me getting pregnant before as i was so ill, now that i'm healthy and i've never felt better- he thinks i have a good chance.

good luck in whatever you decide to do!
Hello, I've recently found out I'm pregnant. I'm now 7 weeks. I have Crohns Disease, I was diagnosed when I was 19. I've had one child while I've had Crohns and he's 7 years old now. My pregnancy was great no pains or any problems he was a full term baby and I had a natural vaginal delivery. I also had a colostomy while carrying him it was actually my second. Over the past 4 years I've had my entire colon taken so now I just have the small bowel section. It seems that I'm having a little more stomach pain than I would like. I'm nausea but I only dry heave but don't actually vomit. And I'm always so drained. I started to have some vaginal bleeding and went to the ER and they did a vaginal ultrasound. And the result was I had a miscarriage of one of the fetuses I was carrying which they called a Vanishing Twin. So now I have two saks and one is empty but one is still there with a heartbeat. Can someone give me any insight or advice, if they have had a similar experience? Is there anything to do naturally for the stomach pain and fatigue?? And did anyone experience a increase in the constincey of their bowels or how often they empty their bag?
Thanks so much in Advance!!!
I had my second baby 2 years after having part of my colon removed and everything was fine and she is now nearly 12 x

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