Question about symptoms....any thoughts on cause?

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Ok - first off, this has nothing to do with Crohns' - it has to do with symptoms my husband is having, which are worrying me more and more....and of course, him beng a MAN he is trying to brush things off...

ok, here goes.....

Anxiety 'attacks' - along the lines of being jittery, almost hyperactive, to curled up in a ball in bed....

Pain in lower right quadrant - intermittent, no pattern shown except it comes out of the blue - CT scan was NEGATIVE for appendicitis, or anything else being shown (I haven't seen the report though)

Dizzy spells - been getting more frequent - these have pretty much been narrowed down to a drop in blood pressure (up to 20 pts) when going from sitting to standing.....hasn't passed out (yet) - but DOES have to stop and sit down sometimes - just now he got up and walked about 10 feet before staggering and grabbing the wall - of COURSE this he brushes off...

Personality - has had issues with anger (for years), more along the lines of overreacting to things and going ballistic - NO violence associated with this toward others - however in the past he has ripped clothing...which then gets him angrier because he knows he shouldn't be reacting this way.

Last week, he had what we can only call a reaction to medication - he had taken an Ambien (which he has taken off and on for a few years with no problem) and about 11pm (I still don't know if he called for me or if I woke up and found him).....I found him in the other bedroom curled up and having full-body spasms.....not quite a convulsion or seizure....but a trip to the ER was made and drugs given (benadryl actually) which helped - bloods came back ok, CT of his head came back OK.....

Last night as 'relations' were ending he almost passed out again....made me feel oh so NOT GOOD.....went to the Dr today and has an appt in 2 weeks with a cardiologist...I personally think he needs to go sooner.....

I know it is a bunch of info - any thoughts on symptoms and what the cause could be?

So -
dizzy spells
abdominal pain
BP not compensating when standing up
wierd reaction to drug he has taken before

Paso, I would think he'd need at least blood work to try to determine the cause of this. My best guess would be maybe Addison's disease? I know that can cause dizzy spells and low BP and sometimes it can cause abdo issues like pain, nausea & d. A few simple blood tests would determine whether or not Addison's is likely - cortisol would probably be low, sodium would also be low and potassium might be high (I was tested for Addison's at one point as I have low BP and low sodium and my GI thought that Addison's might explain my symptoms). Just my best guess, I really have no clue and Addison's wouldn't really explain the other things like the personality and drug reaction issues. Get him to a doctor and have some bloodwork done, that's all I can really suggest. Good luck, keep us posted on how he (and you!) are doing.
Wow that's a difficult one and men can be toughie's, my hubby went through a strange few months, dizzy spells when seated, feeling nauseous, had the anger thing too, like your hubby not at me but small things would irritate him. His dad has heart issues only dx 5 years ago but his symptoms weren't really matching those you would expect, I was up the wall as you are now. He hid a lot from me too and when I'd see him hold onto walls I'd be sick with nerves as he'd clam up when I'd quiz him. He didn't have the abdominal issues as he had his appendix removed 4 years ago. Doc gave him a course of tablets for 20 days (would have to ask him what they were) saying that scar tissue in his ear from a childhood op COULD be causing retention of fluid (he didn't look in my hubby's ear by the way just made a guess!!!) and a new pair of glasses have reduced symptoms to the point where he hasn't mentioned or I haven't noticed anything recently.
I hope this has helped in some way and you guys can get to the bottom of this, My hubby as Cat suggested got all the blood works done and a heart trace and they all came back normal.
Gwen xxx
sounds like what happens when i have low blood pressure (but my friend has the same symtoms with high blood pressure, note that anxiety is a symptom if high blood pressure). also sounds like happens when i have aniema relatead to my crohns. right before a fainting or dizzy spell i get very anxiousness and confused my bp goes crazy.

blood sugar can do all of that and is know to effect personality.

there is thing that is tested in on a tilt table that is when bp doesn't stay content when standing but i don't know what it is called.
1. I wouldn't worry much about the ambien reaction. That stuff does WEIRD things to people. Oh the stories I could tell about my sister on that stuff. I think it's a terrible drug but that's just me.

2. How's his diet and overall fitness?
3 - 4 months ago I had a bout of nausea, shakes and dizziness which seemed like would happen every morning at work between 9 - 11. I went to the doctor. They tested me for diabetes. One doctor wanted to get a brain MRI, my GI wanted to scope me (not that scope, the other one). I had a feeling it was my anxiety, and being at a job that I'm not very happy at. Increased dosage of antidepressant worked.

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